
由於ESI資料庫每2個月更新一次,每次更新後會有所變動,因此最好附註查詢的時間點。Scopus的指標,SJR與SNIP需分別官方網站查詢排名資訊,CiteScore則 ...,TheIEEEIoTJournal(IoT-J),launchedin2014(“GenesisoftheIoT-J“),publishespapersonthelatestadvances,aswel...

International Journal of Computer Vision

InternationalJournalofComputerVision(IJCV)detailsthescienceandengineeringofthisrapidlygrowingfield.Regulararticlespresentmajortechnical ...Articles·Journalupdates·Volumesandissues·Aimsandscope

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Impact Factor、引用次數與學術評鑑相關問題懶人包

由於ESI 資料庫每2 個月更新一次,每次更新後會有所變動,因此最好附註查詢的時間點。 Scopus 的指標,SJR 與SNIP 需分別官方網站查詢排名資訊,CiteScore 則 ...

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

The IEEE IoT Journal (IoT-J), launched in 2014 (“Genesis of the IoT-J“), publishes papers on the latest advances, as well as review articles, on the various ...


Medicine, an open access journal providing authors with a distinctive new service offering continuous publication of original research across medical ... Current Issue · Past Issues · Latest Articles

International Journal of Computer Vision

International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) details the science and engineering of this rapidly growing field. Regular articles present major technical ... Articles · Journal updates · Volumes and issues · Aims and scope


期刊官網中敘明「不以審查人認定之科學重要性作為論文接受與否之依據」之期刊,舉例如附表。 At NTUCM, we strive for “high impact” rather than” high impact factor”.


Heliyon is an open access journal publishing scientifically accurate and valuable research across life, physical, social, and medical sciences.

Cydia Impactor

Cydia Impactor is a GUI tool for working with mobile devices. It has features already, but is still very much a work-in-progress.

International Immunopharmacology | Journal

International Immunopharmacology is the primary vehicle for the publication of original research papers pertinent to the overlapping areas of immunology.


Theranostics publishes innovative research articles reflecting the fields of in vitro diagnostics and prognostics, in vivo molecular imaging, ...


由於ESI資料庫每2個月更新一次,每次更新後會有所變動,因此最好附註查詢的時間點。Scopus的指標,SJR與SNIP需分別官方網站查詢排名資訊,CiteScore則 ...,TheIEEEIoTJournal(IoT-J),launchedin2014(“GenesisoftheIoT-J“),publishespapersonthelatestadvances,aswellasreviewarticles,onthevarious ...,Medicine,anopenaccessjournalprovidingauthorswithadistinctivenewserviceofferingcontinuouspublicationoforiginalresear...