iMyFone Fixppo

iMyFoneFixppoisoneofthemostusefulapplicationsfortakingiOSbackups,recoveringdamagedfiles,andrestoringdata.Theprogrambringsunparalleled ...,評分4.9(2,118)iMyFoneFixppoiOSsystemrepairtoolcansolve150+iOS/iPadOS/tvOSissueswithoutlosingdata.Italsoletsy...。參考影片的文章的如下:


iMyFone Fixppo (iOS System Recovery)

iMyFone Fixppo is one of the most useful applications for taking iOS backups, recovering damaged files, and restoring data. The program brings unparalleled ...

iMyFone Fixppo

評分 4.9 (2,118) iMyFone Fixppo iOS system repair tool can solve 150+ iOS/iPadOS/tvOS issues without losing data. It also lets you enter/exit recovery mode for free. A legjobb javítóeszköz iOS... · Buy Now · User Guide · R

iMyFone Fixppo - Repair System

評分 3.2 (229) · 免費 · Android iMyFone Fixppo can handle almost any iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV problem, helps you fix various iOS system issues, enables you to fix iPhone stuck in recovery ...

iMyFone Fixppo 9.3.3 - Download, Review, Screenshots

評分 3.8 (32) iMyFone iOS System Recovery is a great tool for users who find themselves unable to start their iPhones or iPads.

iMyFone Fixppo 9.3.3 中文版- iPhone修復軟體

iPhone修復軟體- iMyFone Fixppo (舊稱:iMyFone iOS System Recovery),iOS系統修復工具,支援所有iOS作業系統版本及設備,能夠修復你的iPhone,在不 ...


iMyFone offers easy-to-use utilities to recover lost data, unlock locked smartphones, repair various system problems, manage personal data etc.

[OFFICIAL] iMyFone Fixppo® User Guide

iMyFone Fixppo is a desktop software that supports one-click fixing iOS devices, with a total of five core functions, namely Apple System Repair, ...

一招解決iPhone 當機與不正常狀況!用iMyFone Fixppo 就能DIY 搞定 ...

iMyFone Fixppo 提供iOS 各種疑難雜症的快速解決方案,包括iPadOS、tvOS 也適用! iMyFone Fixppo 可免費進入/ 退出DFU 模式,不用再按鍵按到手抽筋了!同時也能在不重置資料 ...

在App Store 上的「iMyFone

評分 2.4 (43) · 免費 · iOS 需要iOS 13.0 或以上版本。 Mac: 需要macOS 11.0(或以上版本)以及配備Apple M1(或以上版本)晶片的Mac。 Apple ...


iMyFoneFixppoisoneofthemostusefulapplicationsfortakingiOSbackups,recoveringdamagedfiles,andrestoringdata.Theprogrambringsunparalleled ...,評分4.9(2,118)iMyFoneFixppoiOSsystemrepairtoolcansolve150+iOS/iPadOS/tvOSissueswithoutlosingdata.Italsoletsyouenter/exitrecoverymodeforfree.AlegjobbjavítóeszköziOS...·BuyNow·UserGuide·R,評分3.2(229)·免費·AndroidiMyFoneFixppocanhandlealmostanyiPhone,iPad,orAp...