
InstagiffercreatesanimatedGIFsdirectlyfrom.Youtube,videodownloadsandanythingonyourscreen.It'sfree,anddoesn'taddanywatermarks.,InstagifferisamonolithicPythonscript.TheUIisdevelopedinTkinter.GIFgenerationisperformedusingFFMpegwhichisusedtoextractframesfromvideos, ...,2022年8月21日—InstagiffercreatesanimatedGIFsdirectlyfromYoutubeandnearlyanyvideofileformat(mkv,flv,avi,mp4).,2022年11月28日—Instag...


Instagiffer creates animated GIFs directly from. Youtube, video downloads and anything on your screen. It's free, and doesn't add any watermarks.

Instagiffer creates GIFs from YouTube, HD video files, ...

Instagiffer is a monolithic Python script. The UI is developed in Tkinter. GIF generation is performed using FFMpeg which is used to extract frames from videos, ...

Instagiffer Download Free

2022年8月21日 — Instagiffer creates animated GIFs directly from Youtube and nearly any video file format (mkv, flv, avi, mp4).


2022年11月28日 — Instagiffer 1.75 for Windows · $$ Cost: Free Freeware · Languages: English · Developer: · Operating System: Windows 11 10 8 7 · PC ...

Instagiffer GIF Maker

Since 2013, Instagiffer has been helping thousands of people create animated GIFs from YouTube, HD video files, Vine, Netflix, Kodi, game streams, and more.


如果你是GIF动图狂人,Instagiffer这款工具特别适合你:它能够直接把YouTube视频制作成动图,甚至都不需要下载。你还可以用程序处理储存在硬盘中的视频,甚至是屏幕 ...

Instagiffer for Windows

With this tool, you can change the number of frames per second, modify the overall size, add effects, and even add text to the GIF.

Instagiffer 檔案下載

Instagiffer 是一款影片及YouTube 直接轉GIF 工具,支援Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 ... 這款免費軟體支援將幾乎任何影片檔格式(mkv, flv, avi, mp4) 以及YouTube 等數百個影音 ...

QGifer 0.2.1 - 將影片轉檔成動態圖檔

QGifer 0.2.1 - 將影片轉檔成動態圖檔
