
Intego Antivirus Review 2025: A Top

評分 4.5 · Cheyenne Lightfoot · Intego antivirus is a good choice for Mac users, offering strong antivirus protection and comprehensive parental controls.

Intego Antivirus Review 2025 – Is it the best Mac ...

評分 4.1 · Lukas Kundrotas · Yes, Intego is a trustworthy and legitimate antivirus solution for Mac devices. It offers comprehensive protection against all kinds of viruses ... Intego pricing · Intego security feat

Intego Antivirus Review [Mac and Windows]

評分 0.0 · US$2.50 · Ray Walsh · It will easily protect your devices, it has an excellent range of advanced security features, and it is easy to use even for those consumers who ... Intego Antivirus for Window

Intego Antivirus Review (2025): Is it the right choice?

評分 5.0 · US$39.99 · Tibor Moes Intego's real-time protection is highly effective, instantly blocking simulated ransomware attacks in our tests. The scanner also allows safe files to bypass ...

Intego Antivirus Review (2025)

After spending some time with Intego, we can conclude that it's a good antivirus with minimal privacy concerns. However, it is let down by poor, recent ...

Intego for Windows Review

Intego for Windows is a solid choice for users who prioritize simplicity and ease of use. It covers the basics of antivirus protection without overwhelming you.

Intego Antivirus for Windows Review 2025

6 天前 · Overall, Intego for Windows is a good antivirus that offers protection against basic and advanced malware threats. It has a user-friendly ...

Intego Antivirus Review

6 天前 · Yes, Intego is a legitimate, trustworthy antivirus program that includes advanced internet security and malware protection features.

Read Customer Service Reviews of www.intego.com

評分 4.8 (8,688) Intego's programs have received dozens of awards from Mac magazines around the world, all of which stress the quality and ease-of-use of Intego software.

Intego Antivirus for Windows Review 2025

Will Intego slow down my computer? No. Intego is such a lightweight app that you'll barely notice any slowdowns even during full system scans.


評分4.5·CheyenneLightfoot·IntegoantivirusisagoodchoiceforMacusers,offeringstrongantivirusprotectionandcomprehensiveparentalcontrols.,評分4.1·LukasKundrotas·Yes,IntegoisatrustworthyandlegitimateantivirussolutionforMacdevices.Itofferscomprehensiveprotectionagainstallkindsofviruses ...Integopricing·Integosecurityfeat,評分0.0·US$2.50·RayWalsh·Itwilleasilyprotectyourdevices,ithasanexcellentrangeofa...