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IntelAtomisIntel'slineoflow-power,low-costandlow-performancex86andx86-64microprocessors.Atom,withcodenamesofSilverthorneandDiamondville, ...MIDprocessors/SoCs(UMPC...·Embeddedprocessors/SoCs·ServerSoCs,同時,英特爾也針對網路與儲存設備(Communicat...。參考影片的文章的如下:


List of Intel Atom processors

Intel Atom is Intel's line of low-power, low-cost and low-performance x86 and x86-64 microprocessors. Atom, with codenames of Silverthorne and Diamondville, ... MID processors/SoCs (UMPC... · Embedded processors/SoCs · Server SoCs


同時,英特爾也針對網路與儲存設備(Communications and Storage),新推出8款代號為Rangeley的Atom C2000系列處理器處理器,取代原本3款Atom S1200系列處理器( ...

FW-7573 | Lanner Electronics | Network Appliance | uCPE SD

The FW-7573 is a cost-effective high-performance 1U Rack mount network security system utilizing the cutting edge capabilities of the Intel Rangeley platform ( ...


Intel Rangeley C2558 2.4G 4 Cores; Broadcom Tomahawk; Redundant/Hot-Swappable PSU/FAN Design; 32 x QSFP28 100GbE Ports; 6.4Tbps Switch Capability; 16MB Packet ...

Intel® Atom™ 處理器C2000 產品系列

Rangeley. Intel Atom® C2000 處理器系列以低功耗Silvermont 微架構為基礎,可將Intel® 架構的可擴充性擴展到更小的佔用空間、密集的通信和智慧系統應用。該產品系列 ...


進階搜尋. 使用本工具,按照插槽、核心數量、快取記憶體大小、最大記憶體量與更多條件來篩選Intel® 處理器. 搜尋處理器. 需要更多協助嗎? 聯絡支援部門.

Intel Atom 核心CPU - 中央處理器

Intel Atom, 64 bit, 8 Core, FCBGA-1283, 2.4 GHz, 4 MB, 8 Thread, 20 W, 64 GB, DDR3/DDR3L-1600, Intel Atom, Rangeley, C2738, Embedded, Tray. CPU - 中央處理器 ...

Rangeley CPU - 中央處理器

Intel Atom, Rangeley, C2758, Embedded, Tray. CPU - 中央處理器64BIT MPU. Intel FH8065503553100S R3GW. FH8065503553100S R3GW; Intel; 1: NT$7,847.88; 暫無庫存.

Intel's flawed 'Rangeley' Atom C2000 processors are still a ticking ...

The Atom C2000 processor, codenamed Rangeley, which is intended for networking devices of the SMB to Enterprise Networking market contained a bug in its ...

RCC Reference Platform

RCC 開發套件配備8 核、2.4 GHz 的Intel C2758 Processor,但該RCC 設計支援所有C2000 產品系列。 ADI 還可以提供無風扇版本的RCC 和強化的、可自訂擴充溫度的衍生產品。


IntelAtomisIntel'slineoflow-power,low-costandlow-performancex86andx86-64microprocessors.Atom,withcodenamesofSilverthorneandDiamondville, ...MIDprocessors/SoCs(UMPC...·Embeddedprocessors/SoCs·ServerSoCs,同時,英特爾也針對網路與儲存設備(CommunicationsandStorage),新推出8款代號為Rangeley的AtomC2000系列處理器處理器,取代原本3款AtomS1200系列處理器( ...,TheFW-7573isacost-effectivehigh-performance...