Pangu Jailbreak 1.2.1 including Cydia (English version)

2014年10月4日—DownloadPanGu1.2.1forjailbreakiOS7.1–iOS7.1.1.NowyoucandownloadpanGu1.2.1foruntetheredjailbreakiOS7.1/iOS7.1.1andiOS7.1 ...,2021年4月22日—DownloadPangu1.2.1iOS7.1.2,iOS7.1.xJailbreakToolforiPhone,iPad&iPodTouch,readthecautionsandreq...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download PanGu 1.2.1 for jailbreak iOS 7.1

2014年10月4日 — Download PanGu 1.2.1 for jailbreak iOS 7.1 – iOS 7.1.1. Now you can download panGu 1.2.1 for untethered jailbreak iOS 7.1/ iOS 7.1.1 and iOS 7.1 ...

Download Pangu 1.2.1 iOS 7.1.x Jailbreak Tool for iPhone ...

2021年4月22日 — Download Pangu 1.2.1 iOS 7.1.2, iOS 7.1.x Jailbreak Tool for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch, read the cautions and requirements for installing in ...

Electra 1.2.1 iOS 11.4.1 Jailbreak Released, Download Now

2019年1月30日 — You can now download Electra 1.2.1 IPA of iOS 11.4.1 jailbreak for your compatible iPhone and iPad devices. Here are the details on the ...


This page is about the untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1.x. For the semi-tethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1.x, see Geeksn0w. For the untethered jailbreak for iOS 8.x ...

Pangu 1.2.1 Jailbreak for Windows released to fix crashing issue

2014年8月12日 — Pangu Team has just released a new version of the Pangu jailbreak for Windows users. Pangu 1.2.1 fixes a bug which was causing the program ...

Pangu 1.2.1 Jailbreak Utility Released With Cydia 1.1.16

2014年11月6日 — The PanguTeam has released Pangu8 1.2.1, an updated version of their utility to jailbreak iOS 8.0 - 8.1.

Pangu jailbreak tool

Pangu is the latest jailbreak program for the iOS 7.1 and all through 7.1.2. This can make an untethered jailbreak for iOS (above mentioned versions). Pangu 1.2 ...

pangu8 1.2.1 jailbreak

16 update for iOS 8.1 jailbreak. This tool available for download windows OS only.Latest version of pangu8 1.2.1 jailbreak tool link available in the below.

[iOS] Pangu 1.2.1,完美Jailbreak iOS 7.1

2014年9月22日 — 按一下「確定」,代表您允許我們置放Cookie 來提升您在本網站上的使用體驗、協助我們分析網站效能和使用狀況。 瀏覽我們的Cookie 政策。


2014年10月4日—DownloadPanGu1.2.1forjailbreakiOS7.1–iOS7.1.1.NowyoucandownloadpanGu1.2.1foruntetheredjailbreakiOS7.1/iOS7.1.1andiOS7.1 ...,2021年4月22日—DownloadPangu1.2.1iOS7.1.2,iOS7.1.xJailbreakToolforiPhone,iPad&iPodTouch,readthecautionsandrequirementsforinstallingin ...,2019年1月30日—YoucannowdownloadElectra1.2.1IPAofiOS11.4.1jailbreakforyourcompatibleiPhoneandiPaddevices.Herearethedet...