
[已解決] 請問iOS 9.3.5 還能使用YouTube app 嗎?

有網友說iOS 9.3.5 可安裝的最後一版YouTube app 目前還能看, 也有人說今年11 月起不能看了,但也有人說本來不能看,恢復原廠後解決。 所以想請問手邊如果 ...

How to Download the Youtube app on Older iPad (ios 9.3.5) (NO ...

MY iPAD CASE: https://amzn.to/3XIQeFs I show you a simple way to install Youtube and other apps to an out of date iPad 2 with a work around ...

YouTube iOS

Contains everything from installing unsupported apps on iOS 9.3.5 or 9.3.6 and Includes installing YouTube on iOS 9.3.5/9.3.6/10.3.3/10.3.4.

[Question] Trying to get youtube (or alternative) working on iOS 9.3.5 ...

I don't want to use m.youtube.com on my iPad 2 running 9.3.5... Have you found a good youtube alternative app/web app yet? Or anything else?

How to get youtube working ios 9.3.5? Ive tried all of the versions ...

How to get youtube working ios 9.3.5? Ive tried all of the versions mentioned but no success ... Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and ...

解決iOS 9.3.5 Youtube app不能看的辦法(越獄)

ipad mini (iOS 9.3.5)若只拿來看youtube和電子書等,到現在還是非常好用,續航力也夠無奈youtube開始不支援iOS 9以下的版本前一陣子會頻繁跳出要求更新

unable to install youtube app on my IPAD2 having IOS 9.3.5. Error ...

Note: YouTube needs iOS/iPadOS 12 or later which your old iPad is not compatible. You need a newer iPad model to download YouTube app.

Fix YouTube not compatible on IOS 9.3.5!Install unsupported apps ...

Fix YouTube not compatible on iOS 9.3.5 and install unsupported apps like YouTube on old iOS like 9.3.5/9.3.6. Fix unable to purchase app is ...

Youtube app Error loading. Tap to retry

I'm stucked with an error in my Youtube app Error loading. Tap to retry. I tried all the possible solutions that are available that I found online but i'm ...

YouTube not working on my iPad 2 running iOS 9.3.5

I decided to use my iPad 2 (running on iOS 9.3.5)for watching some YouTube videos. But when I opened the app, it kept giving me an error message: Error while ...


有網友說iOS9.3.5可安裝的最後一版YouTubeapp目前還能看,也有人說今年11月起不能看了,但也有人說本來不能看,恢復原廠後解決。所以想請問手邊如果 ...,MYiPADCASE:https://amzn.to/3XIQeFsIshowyouasimplewaytoinstallYoutubeandotherappstoanoutofdateiPad2withaworkaround ...,ContainseverythingfrominstallingunsupportedappsoniOS9.3.5or9.3.6andIncludesinstallingYouTubeoniOS9.3.5/9.3.6/10.3.3/10.3.4.,Idon'twantt...