
Best Jailbreak themes for iPhone & iPad iOS 14-15.7.1

The best Jailbreak theme collection for iOS 14-15.7.1, customize your home screen with latest released iOS home screen ideas, icon packs more.

How To Get Jailbreak Themes No Jailbreak iPhone iOS 15

How To Get Jailbreak Themes No Jailbreak iPhone iOS 15 How to get PostBox https://youtu.be/O-SvzeVSjTY https://repo.packix.com/ Theme in ...

How to Install Themes on a Jailbroken IPhone or IPod Touch

How to Install Themes on a Jailbroken IPhone or IPod Touch · Step 1: Install Summerboard · Step 2: Restart Your IPhone or IPod Touch · Step 3: Install a Theme.

Install Best iOS Themes for iPhone and iPad [Latest Guide]

This guide offers the latest aesthetic iPhone home screen themes compatible with iOS 16 to iOS 17.5 and iOS 18. Choose your favorites using the methods listed ...

iOS 17 Themes To Install On Your Jailbroken iPhone (SnowBoard)

SnowBoard is a popular theming engine for jailbroken iOS devices. It allows users to apply themes to their device's home screen, lock screen, ...


iOS美化教學 · iOS 手動改字體攻略:教你替iPhone 和iPad 換字體,支援iOS 10 ~iOS 14 · 【教學】更換iPhone 電話撥號按鍵完全攻略技巧,設計屬於自己的風格 · iOS 天氣圖不夠 ...

[Question] best free jailbreak themestweaks? (new to jailbreaking)

Take your pick, I'm personally using Taurine as it has been more stable on my iPhone 12. As long as you are on 14.3, you're good to use either ...

[Question] Can someone help me find a theme similar to this for ...

What did work for me was having both Xina and Dopamine installed. search for 'Themes' folder in filza. you'll find both the folder from the xina ...

[教學][iOS][JB越獄] 如何用WinterBoard直接切換Line主題(4.0.0教學)

<1> 把自製主題或網路上收集好LINE主題準備好。每個主題請分開擺放一個資料夾,資料夾名稱請取主題名稱(ex:LINE主題.官方.熊大、LINE主題.官方.雷納德… …等 ...

來分享各位的iOS JB美化交流吧

我是iOS 7.1.2 iPhone 5S 32G 款自己裝的美化主題是WinterBoard主題Mojo for iOS 7.1.2auxo 2 (這算美化吧? 我覺得是既美觀又實用的東西.)


ThebestJailbreakthemecollectionforiOS14-15.7.1,customizeyourhomescreenwithlatestreleasediOShomescreenideas,iconpacksmore.,HowToGetJailbreakThemesNoJailbreakiPhoneiOS15HowtogetPostBoxhttps://youtu.be/O-SvzeVSjTYhttps://repo.packix.com/Themein ...,HowtoInstallThemesonaJailbrokenIPhoneorIPodTouch·Step1:InstallSummerboard·Step2:RestartYourIPhoneorIPodTouch·Step3:InstallaTheme.,Thisguideoffersthela...