
MAME4iOSisdesignedtorunformoderniOSandmacOSplatforms,includingsupportforthelatestAppletechnologyplatformenhancmentssuchasMetalgraphics ...,ForiOSusers,youcandownloadROMsusingSafariandsavethemtotheromsdirectorybychoosingthe“SavetoFiles”(goto“OnMyi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


yoshisugaMAME4iOS: Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator ...

MAME4iOS is designed to run for modern iOS and macOS platforms, including support for the latest Apple technology platform enhancments such as Metal graphics ...


For iOS users, you can download ROMs using Safari and save them to the roms directory by choosing the “Save to Files” (go to “On My iPhone” -> MAME4iOS) option ...

The State of MAME in October 2019

Since Apple has decided to open iOS/iPadOS for third-party Bluetooth controllers, things suddenly become very interesting to play on my iPad!


MAME模擬器 · [推薦iOS9模擬器]免越獄也能玩到12合1超多功能模擬器「newgamepad」!含自動下載ROM功能 · 最新文章.

完美编译街机模拟器MAME iOS版- Coding&Life


MAME 0.205

With Christmas just over, it's time for the final MAME release for 2018, and what a year it's been! Before we move on, let's pause and recap ...

MAME 0.258

Yes, it's time for another release: MAME 0.258! It's been another month of exciting Apple updates.

MAME Emulation? : riosgaming

As the title suggests, is there any arcade/MAME emulator out there for iOS (preferably one that supports the iPhone X)?

MAME 模擬器- 街機適用於AndroidiOS

評分 4/10 (9) · 免費 · Android 忠於歷史忠於原始遊戲!這就是MAME。 模擬器介紹: * 支持藍牙和WIFI連接其他手機進行多人遊戲; * 可以選擇本地ROM或者壓縮包ROM文件; * 高清的遊戲畫面; * 快速的遊戲體驗; ...

MAME Collection Emulator 1.0 適用於AndroidiOS APK

評分 3.8/10 (3) · 免費 · Android · 下載Arcade M.A.M.E - MAME Collection Emulator APK 的最新版本以適用於Android。閱讀Arcade M.A.M.E - MAME Collection Emulator 評論。


MAME4iOSisdesignedtorunformoderniOSandmacOSplatforms,includingsupportforthelatestAppletechnologyplatformenhancmentssuchasMetalgraphics ...,ForiOSusers,youcandownloadROMsusingSafariandsavethemtotheromsdirectorybychoosingthe“SavetoFiles”(goto“OnMyiPhone”->MAME4iOS)option ...,SinceApplehasdecidedtoopeniOS/iPadOSforthird-partyBluetoothcontrollers,thingssuddenlybecomeveryinterestingtoplayonmyiPa...