iPhone6 release date, price and features!



iPhone 6 - Apple Wiki

The iPhone 6 is the 8th flagship smartphone designed and marketed by Apple Inc. It was announced on September 9, 2014 along with the larger iPhone 6 Plus as the latest addition to the iPhone series. It was released on the following September 19th .

iPhone 6

Brand · Apple Inc. ; Manufacturers · Foxconn, Pegatron (on contract) ; Type, Smartphone ; Generation, 8th ; First released, September 19, 2014; 10 years ago (2014- ... History · Specifications · Reception · Issues

iPhone 6s & iPhone 6s Plus Arrive on Friday, September 25

Apple today announced iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, the most advanced iPhones ever, will be available at 8:00 am local time on Friday, 25 September at Apple's ...

Apple Announces iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus—The Biggest ...

CUPERTINO, California—September 9, 2014—Apple® today announced iPhone® 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the biggest advancements in iPhone history, ...

IPhone 6 | electronic device

In September 2014 the iPhone 6 and the larger 6 Plus were unveiled. The 6 Plus was significantly thinner than previous versions.

When and where to buy the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will be available on Friday, September 19, with preorders set to begin on Friday, September 12.

Apple iPhone 6 - Full phone specifications

Apple iPhone 6 · Released 2014, September 19 · 129g, 6.9mm thickness · iOS 8, up to iOS 12.5.6 · 16GB/32GB/128GB storage, no card slot. Pictures · Scaled to order · Compare · Three kings

Apple iPhone 6 Will Reportedly Launch Sept. 9

Apple fans might want to mark Sept. 9 on their calendars, because that's the date the highly anticipated iPhone 6 will reportedly make its grand debut.

iPhone 6

它是繼iPhone 5s後的下一代iPhone,亦是iPhone的第八代版本。iPhone 6於推出,而iPhone 6 Plus則於10日後的9月19日推出 ...


TheiPhone6isthe8thflagshipsmartphonedesignedandmarketedbyAppleInc.ItwasannouncedonSeptember9,2014alongwiththelargeriPhone6PlusasthelatestadditiontotheiPhoneseries.ItwasreleasedonthefollowingSeptember19th.,Brand·AppleInc.;Manufacturers·Foxconn,Pegatron(oncontract);Type,Smartphone;Generation,8th;Firstreleased,September19,2014;10yearsago(2014- ...History·Specifications·Reception·Issues,Appletoday...

五分鐘看完今年 Apple 新機發表會

五分鐘看完今年 Apple 新機發表會

今天凌晨的Apple發表會發表了全新的AppleWatch 以及大家最期待的iPhone7,其中帶來了許多新的功能和改變,但令人最開心的莫過於台灣終於擠進了首波銷售的國家。如果你錯過了昨晚的發表會內容,沒關係!《硬是要...