
Use multi

To enable multi-touch gestures, you need to turn on and use the assistive touch option. Here is how you can work with 2, 3, or 4 finger simulated responses.

Use AssistiveTouch on iPhone

Touch-and-hold gesture: Touch and hold your finger in one spot until the recording progress bar reaches halfway, then lift your finger. Be careful not to move ...

Use AssistiveTouch on iPhone

Create custom gestures Go to Settings > Accessibility > Touch > AssistiveTouch > Create New Gesture. Perform your gesture on the recording screen. For example: ... If your gesture doesn't turn out quite right, tap Cancel, then

AssistiveTouch (iOS feature)

AssistiveTouch is an iOS feature that you can use with a single digit or stylus to control your device, help you perform gestures like a pinch, multi-finger ...

Use AssistiveTouch for Customizable Shortcuts on the iPhone and ...

You can create custom gestures in Settings > Accessibility > Touch > AssistiveTouch > Create New Gesture. Note that the AssistiveTouch button also appears ...

What Is AssistiveTouch and How to Use It

AssistiveTouch is designed as an accessibility feature that offers virtual buttons to replace physical buttons or gestures on your iPhone.

iPhone 1313 Pro

Learn how you can create a custom gesture for AssistiveTouch on the iPhone 13 / iPhone 13 Pro. Gears I use: iPhone 13 Pro: ...

Enable AssistiveTouch gestures & Customize on iPhone

Empower your iPhone experience with how to 'Enable AssistiveTouch gestures on iPhone.' Dive into this step-by-step guide that unveils the ...

How to use AssistiveTouch on your iPhone or iPad — Apple Support

With AssistiveTouch, you can customize how you navigate your iPhone or iPad by creating your own menu and gestures, which can be helpful if ...

How to Add New Gestures to iPhone's AssistiveTouch

Find out more: https://www.hardreset.info/devices/ Enhance your iPhone experience by mastering new gestures for AssistiveTouch!


Toenablemulti-touchgestures,youneedtoturnonandusetheassistivetouchoption.Hereishowyoucanworkwith2,3,or4fingersimulatedresponses.,Touch-and-holdgesture:Touchandholdyourfingerinonespotuntiltherecordingprogressbarreacheshalfway,thenliftyourfinger.Becarefulnottomove ...,CreatecustomgesturesGotoSettings>Accessibility>Touch>AssistiveTouch>CreateNewGesture.Performyourgestureontherecording...