
Web App Simulator

Type an URL in the input. Hit the simulate button. Use the button to change device orientation and to generate your link and share it with others.


Instantly run mobile apps in your browser with iOS simulators & Android emulators. Appetize is ideal for support, training, previews, testing & automation.

Running your app in Simulator or on a device

To test your app, build and run it on a simulated or real device. Use simulated devices to debug your app on a variety of hardware to which you don't have ...

Online iPhone Simulators & Real Devices

Sauce Labs iOS simulators are a scalable, highly reliable, and economical way to run automated tests on your mobile apps early in the development process.

iPhoneiPad browser simulator? [closed] - ios

The iPhone/iPad simulator that comes with Xcode includes Safari. If you run Safari in the simulator, you can view your website and it should ...

iOS Emulators Simulators vs Real iOS Devices

An iOS Simulator basically mimics an iOS app or browser on top of a developer's operating system. This is viewable in an iPad or iPhone like window. They cannot ...

Real iPhone & iOS Devices for Website & App testing

Test your apps and websites on physical mobile iOS devices for most accurate testing results. Choose from our wide range of iOS devices.

Test on iOS Simulator Online

評分 4.6 (335) · 免費 Try iOS simulator online by LambdaTest for free. It allows you to test your websites and webapps on latest to legacy devices, OS versions and browsers.

Test Websites With Real iOS Simulator for Browser Testing

iOS Browsers Simulator is a virtual environment that allows you to view your website over browsers compatible with iOS without installing them on your operating ...

Preview your web apps on a real iOS Simulator using just ...

Learn how IDX makes it easy for you to test your web apps on a real iOS Simulator running mobile Safari all from the comforts of your ...


TypeanURLintheinput.Hitthesimulatebutton.Usethebuttontochangedeviceorientationandtogenerateyourlinkandshareitwithothers.,InstantlyrunmobileappsinyourbrowserwithiOSsimulators&Androidemulators.Appetizeisidealforsupport,training,previews,testing&automation.,Totestyourapp,buildandrunitonasimulatedorrealdevice.Usesimulateddevicestodebugyourapponavarietyofhardwaretowhichyoudon'thave ...,Sauc...

IG 電腦傳訊息,教你找回消失的私訊按鈕

IG 電腦傳訊息,教你找回消失的私訊按鈕
