盤古完美越獄- iOS 7.1~7.1.2完美改機JB教學

johnantoni/jailbreak-7.1.2.md·resetiphone(settings/general/reset/eraseallcontentandsettings)·re-activatephonewithitunesetc.·downloadappfromhttp ...,PleaseuseiTunestobackupyourimportantdatabeforejailbreak.1.Turnoff“Passcode”and“FindMyiPhone”,andth...。參考影片的文章的如下:


pangu jailbreak ios 7.1.2

johnantoni/jailbreak-7.1.2.md · reset iphone (settings/general/reset/erase all content and settings) · re-activate phone with itunes etc. · download app from http ...

3uTools Jailbreaks iOS7.0~7.1.2 Untethered Tutorial

Please use iTunes to backup your important data before jailbreak. 1. Turn off “Passcode” and “Find My iPhone”, and then begin your jailbreak. 2. Turn off ...

HELP!! Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 (iPhone 4)

2024年1月9日 — Hi there, I am looking to jailbreak my iPhone 4, which is updated to iOS 7.1.2. I thought it would be best to do the Pangu7 route and ...

[Question] Jailbreaking an iPhone 4 (ios 7.1.2)

2022年5月22日 — Install iTunes, jailbreak with pangu7, add the cydia.akemi.ai repo and download appsync unified.

How to Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 on iPhone 4 [Video]

2015年10月25日 — Learn how to Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 on your iPhone 4 using a Openshow exploit. Jailbreak iPhone 4 running iOS 7 .1.2 and install Cydia.


johnantoni/jailbreak-7.1.2.md·resetiphone(settings/general/reset/eraseallcontentandsettings)·re-activatephonewithitunesetc.·downloadappfromhttp ...,PleaseuseiTunestobackupyourimportantdatabeforejailbreak.1.Turnoff“Passcode”and“FindMyiPhone”,andthenbeginyourjailbreak.2.Turnoff ...,2024年1月9日—Hithere,IamlookingtojailbreakmyiPhone4,whichisupdatedtoiOS7.1.2.IthoughtitwouldbebesttodothePangu7rout...