
iW Stat Simulator

The Ragnarok Online Calculator by ROratorio, able to simulate stats, equipment, status resistance, skills and damage from Characters in PVM, ...

What's the most up to date iRO stat calculator?

At most all I do now is check stat points for lvl 185 on iro calc by exceeding the stat points beyond 175 +317 stat points. If you have the -317 ...


IRO Wiki stat calculator unofficial repo. Original here: http://calc.irowiki.org progm.github.io/iro-calc/ 1 star 9 forks

RO Calculator

Currently we have skills from different balance patches available and we'll be referring them as the following. Version 1: The very first version of 4th job ...

Ragnarok Online - Character Stat Calculator

This page will tell you your character's stats in Ragnarok Online at different point in time. By entering your desired stats. It will tell you your attack, ...

Ragnarok Online Renewal Stat & SkillTree Simulator

The latest Ragnarok Online Renewal Calculator, able to simulate stats, equipment, status resistance, skills and damage from Characters in PVM, ...

Ragnarok Online Classic Calc

A Ragnarok Online Classic (pre-Renewal) calculator, updated by Kurimet, able to simulate characters in PvM, PvP and MvP environments.

Ragnarok Online Stats Calculator


Ragnarok Prime Stat Simulator

The Ragnarok Prime Calculator, able to simulate stats, equipment, status resistance, skills and damage from Characters in PVM, MVP and PVP environments.

RO Calculator

Updated new elemental table · Updated old lab headgear bonus · Updated job improvement bundle · Added Sorcerer skill [ Fist Spell ] · Added Sura skills [ Dragon ...


TheRagnarokOnlineCalculatorbyROratorio,abletosimulatestats,equipment,statusresistance,skillsanddamagefromCharactersinPVM, ...,AtmostallIdonowischeckstatpointsforlvl185onirocalcbyexceedingthestatpointsbeyond175+317statpoints.Ifyouhavethe-317 ...,IROWikistatcalculatorunofficialrepo.Originalhere:http://calc.irowiki.orgprogm.github.io/iro-calc/1star9forks,Currentlywehaveskillsfromdifferentbalancep...