《It's time to cry 》《哭泣的時候》Paul Anka 1959 HD



It's Time to Cry (Live) Lyrics Paul Anka ※ ...

Paul Anka; It's Time to Cry (Live) When somebody leaves you, that's the time to cry. When you know you're lonely, you're not the one and only. Who will cry?

It's Time To Cry (Remastered)

It's Time To Cry (Remastered)歌詞- Paul Anka 保羅安卡.

It's Time to Cry

It's Time to Cry歌詞- Paul Anka 保羅安卡.

It's Time to Cry written by Paul Anka

The song It's Time to Cry was written by Paul Anka and was first recorded and released by Paul Anka in 1959. It was covered by Jukka Ågren, Sergio Murilo ...

Paul Anka

Paul Anka; It's Time to Cry Lyricist:Paul Anka When somebody leaves you. That's the time to cry. When you know you're lonely


PaulAnka;It'sTimetoCry(Live)Whensomebodyleavesyou,that'sthetimetocry.Whenyouknowyou'relonely,you'renottheoneandonly.Whowillcry?,It'sTimeToCry(Remastered)歌詞-PaulAnka保羅安卡.,It'sTimetoCry歌詞-PaulAnka保羅安卡.,ThesongIt'sTimetoCrywaswrittenbyPaulAnkaandwasfirstrecordedandreleasedbyPaulAnkain1959.ItwascoveredbyJukkaÅgren,SergioMurilo ...,PaulAnka;It'sTimetoCryLyricist:PaulAnkaWhensomebodylea...
