



itsy-bitsy 在英語中的意思 ... extremely small: She has these itsy-bitsy little hands and feet. ... not great in size, amount, etc.


評分 4.0 (12) · Itsy is a heart tug the length of a bus ride. A narrative climb Inspired by healing from Autism-burnout. Play for story (progress saves), ...


KK[ˋɪtsɪˋbɪtsɪ]; DJ[ˋitsiˋbitsi]. 美式. adj. 小巧玲瓏的;可愛的. Dr.eye 譯典通 · Yahoo奇摩字典. New York Manhattan更新疑難排解 · 會員登入.

英語導師Nick P形容詞短語(4)Itty bitty或Itsy Bitsy。 (English Tutor ...

hardly anything. Okay. Number two just add an itty bitty amount of cinnamon. Yeah. ... add an itty-bitty amount of something. All right. ... like ...


供應中 書名:Itsy,語言:英文,ISBN:9781446148433,頁數:168,作者:Shaw, Matt,出版日期:2024/02/16,類別:文學.

歌謠:Itsy Bitsy Spider | 英語文

影片:歌謠:Itsy Bitsy Spider,英語文> 國小> 中年級> 因材網> 歌謠與故事。源自於:均一教育平台- 願每個孩子都成為終身學習者,成就自己的未來。

The Itsy Bitsy Spider-歌詞- Super Simple Songs

The itsy-bitsy spider有隻小小的蜘蛛. Went up the water spout在水管上奮力不懈往上爬升. Down came the rain突然下起了雨. And washed the spider out小小的蜘蛛被 ...

Itsy Bitsy Spider

It's a hot day and some lemonade would be awfully refreshing! The itsy bitsy spider just want's a little drink! After JJ and Mochi set up a ...


ITSY-BITSY翻譯:極小的。了解更多。,itsy-bitsy在英語中的意思...extremelysmall:Shehastheseitsy-bitsylittlehandsandfeet....notgreatinsize,amount,etc.,評分4.0(12)·Itsyisahearttugthelengthofabusride.AnarrativeclimbInspiredbyhealingfromAutism-burnout.Playforstory(progresssaves), ...,KK[ˋɪtsɪˋbɪtsɪ];DJ[ˋitsiˋbitsi].美式.adj.小巧玲瓏的;可愛的.Dr.eye譯典通·Yahoo奇摩字典.NewYorkManhattan更新疑難排解·會...