2016年4月1日 — That tiny X at the top left, exits out of Mini Player, back to normal play. Good for future reference - flipping strange way of doing it though.
1. Right-click the task bar at the bottom of your screen. · 2. Select Toolbars and remove the check mark from iTunes if it's there to disable the iTunes mini ...
To rebuild the Mini Player's index, press ⌘ + R while showing the Mini Player. Alfred will look at your iTunes XML file and rebuild the list of songs available ...
2020年4月23日 — However, now it is a mini player on my taskbar only and I've been unable to restore it to normal. This mini player is too small and I can't ...
To restore the Mini Player window to a regular iTunes window, click the restore button (Windows) or the zoom button (Mac). You're back to the regular iTunes ...