Soze Gallery Conversations Jaybo Monk and Augustine Kofie 1113 ...

Jayboisanurbanwanderer,atravellerthatmovesinthespaceofthatunfinishedmetropolis,thatistheworld,amongmemories,fragmentsandtracesabandoned ...,JayboMonkwasarunawaywhenhewasakid…hewasastreeturchin.Hehasbeenastreetactor,agraffitiwriterandahiphopmusici...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Jaybo Monk

Jaybo is an urban wanderer, a traveller that moves in the space of that unfinished metropolis, that is the world, among memories, fragments and traces abandoned ...


Jaybo Monk was a runaway when he was a kid… he was a street urchin. He has been a street actor, a graffiti writer and a hiphop musician. For more than 2 decades ...

Jaybo Monk

Jaybo Monk is French artist born 1963 who lives in Berlin on a constant journey. With his store of memories he explores the world and draws an emotional ...

Jaybo Monk | Colab Gallery

Jaybo Monk is French artist born 1963 who lives in Berlin on a constant journey. With his store of memories he explores the world and draws an emotional ...

43 Jaybo Monk ideas | monk, french artists, artist

Dec 16, 2016 - Explore Pau T's board Jaybo Monk on Pinterest. See more ideas about monk, french artists, artist.

Jaybo Monk - Artworks for Sale & More

Jaybo Monk blends abstraction and figuration in his complex depictions of fractured human forms, implicitly challenging our ability to comprehend the world ...

Jaybo Monk

Jaybo (1968) is a runaway, setting out and wandering along in a physical as well as in a creative sense. In his youth, he ran away from his home in southern ...


Jaybo Monk is an urban wanderer, a traveller that moves in the space of that unfinished metropolis, that is the world, among memories, fragments and traces ...

Jaybo Monk (@jaybomonk) • Instagram photos and videos

9316 Followers, 424 Following, 4213 Posts - Jaybo Monk (@jaybomonk) on Instagram: Art cant be owned.

Jaybo Monk (@jaybomonk) · Instagram 照片和视频

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Jayboisanurbanwanderer,atravellerthatmovesinthespaceofthatunfinishedmetropolis,thatistheworld,amongmemories,fragmentsandtracesabandoned ...,JayboMonkwasarunawaywhenhewasakid…hewasastreeturchin.Hehasbeenastreetactor,agraffitiwriterandahiphopmusician.Formorethan2decades ...,JayboMonkisFrenchartistborn1963wholivesinBerlinonaconstantjourney.Withhisstoreofmemoriesheexplorestheworldanddrawsanemotion...