
下載由JixiPixSoftware開發的App,包括「HandTintPro」、「ChromaticEdges」、「PhotoFormation」等。,2023年11月28日—TransformphotosintoafineartdrawingwithPastel,Pencil,Chalk,CharcoalandCrayon.IntroducingPastello,abrand-newcompanionappto ...,JixiPixSoftwarehasalongandlucrativehistorydevelopingwell-known3D,VideoandMulti-Mediasoftware,nottomentionanindustryofiOSandAndroidapps.,TheProBundleincludessixP...

App Store 上由JixiPix Software 開發的App

下載由JixiPix Software 開發的App,包括「Hand Tint Pro」、「Chromatic Edges」、「Photo Formation」等。

JixiPix Software

2023年11月28日 — Transform photos into a fine art drawing with Pastel, Pencil, Chalk, Charcoal and Crayon. Introducing Pastello, a brand-new companion app to ...

JixiPix Software

JixiPix Software has a long and lucrative history developing well-known 3D, Video and Multi-Media software, not to mention an industry of iOS and Android apps.

JixiPix Products

The Pro Bundle includes six Professional Products: Hand Tint Pro, Impresso Pro, Pastello, Rip Studio, PuzziPix Pro and Spektrel Art.

Google Play 上JixiPix Software的Android 應用程式

JixiPix Software. 4.6star. US$2.99 · 螢幕截圖圖片. 縮圖圖片. Simply HDR. JixiPix Software. 4.7star. US$2.99 · 螢幕截圖圖片. 縮圖圖片. Spektrel Art. JixiPix ...


JixiPix.com, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2826 個讚好. JixiPix is one of the leaders in Photography and Artistic Software for Windows, Android, Mac and iOS.