
Apartments for Rent in Johnson County, IN

Apartments for rent in Johnson County, Indiana have a median rental price of $1,825. There are 164 active apartments for rent in Johnson County, ...

Daily Journal

Johnson County's only daily paid subscription newspaper and a proud winner of the prestigious blue ribbon award from the Hoosier State Press Association.

Daily Journal Classifieds

HOW TO PLACE AN AD. Place ads by 10 a.m. to publish in Tomorrow's paper. Call (317) 736-2700 or (888) 736-7101; Email us at [email protected] ... Real Estate For Rent · Real Estate For Rent (0) · Items to Sell or Buy · Legal

Daily Journal

Local news and sports for Kankakee County, Illinois. Up to date local and breaking news.

Higher rents strain Johnson County residents' budgets

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the average rent in Johnson County has risen by 19%, to $1,027. This is a huge jump, said Amanda Ott of ...

Home - Daily Journal

Nobody covers Johnson County and the surrounding areas like the Daily Journal. 30 S. Water St., Second floor, Suite A, Franklin, IN 46131. Phone: (317) 736- ...

On this day in 2016, the main story on the front page of the Daily ...

The main story on the front page of the Daily Journal was about the city of Greenwood working to get Old Town on the National Register of Historic Places.

Real Estate For Rent

Real estate for rent, apartments -furnished, apartments - unfurnished, business and office space, commercial & industrial, condos/townhouses/duplexes, farm ...

Sheriff's Sales

All sale costs must be paid prior to or on sale date. Fees for sales are set at $550.00. This figure reflects $250.00 for publication in the Daily Journal and ...

The Daily Journal Indiana

Webthe official daily journal youtube channel, bringing you videos of news scenes and events in and around johnson county, indiana and interviews with ...


ApartmentsforrentinJohnsonCounty,Indianahaveamedianrentalpriceof$1,825.Thereare164activeapartmentsforrentinJohnsonCounty, ...,JohnsonCounty'sonlydailypaidsubscriptionnewspaperandaproudwinneroftheprestigiousblueribbonawardfromtheHoosierStatePressAssociation.,HOWTOPLACEANAD.Placeadsby10a.m.topublishinTomorrow'spaper.Call(317)736-2700or(888)736-7101;[email protected] ...RealEs...