

This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Ajaxload. This applies worldwide. In some countries this may not be legally possible.

Show loader while loading large amounts of data - jQuery

I am having a little problem trying to show a loader (An animated GIF) while some request to a database happens.


... AJAX ... HTML中加入此段img 為隨便一個gif檔 div 的display = none 一開始設為隱藏 <div class=loadingdiv id=loading style=display: none> <img src=~/gif/load.

Microsoft Ajax CDN 上的jQuery Mobile 1.1.0 RC2

本文提供Microsoft Ajax CDN 上jQuery Mobile 1.1.0 RC2 程式庫中所包含的檔案清單。


Format: GIF Image format: GIF89a.

Loading gif in jQuery ajax call is not showing

The problem is that the image does not show. If I remove the hide() after the initial dialog load, then the gif is displayed throughout.

Loading gif image while jQuery ajax is running

I am trying to show a loading image while my ajax call is running, however using the beforeSend attribute is not changing my result area.

How To Add AJAX Loader In jQuery

In this example, we will use loader gif with ajaxStart() and ajaxStop() functions and display loader in jquery. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang ...

Show Loading Busy Indicator Spinner with Overlay with jQuery ...

In this article I will explain with an example, how to show Loading (Busy) Indicator (Spinner) with Overlay GIF image with jQuery AJAX calls.

Show loading gif while ajax call - JavaScript

Hi, i need to show a loading gif while ajax is processing the call, this is my code $(document).ready(function() ...

