jQuery Tutorial - 163

Tabsaregenerallyusedtobreakcontentintomultiplesectionsthatcanbeswappedtosavespace,muchlikeanaccordion.Bydefaultatabwidgetwillswap ...,Whenfocusisonatab,thefollowingkeycommandsareavailable:UP/LEFT:Movefocustotheprevioustab.Ifonfirsttab,movesfocust...。參考影片的文章的如下:


jQuery UI Tabs

Tabs are generally used to break content into multiple sections that can be swapped to save space, much like an accordion. By default a tab widget will swap ...

Tabs Widget

When focus is on a tab, the following key commands are available: UP / LEFT : Move focus to the previous tab. If on first tab, moves focus to last tab.

select - API Reference - Kendo UI TabStrip

The target tab(s), specified as a selector, jQuery object or index in the tab group. Returns jQuery the selected tab if called without arguments.

link to and select tab - jQuery

I'm trying to link to a specific tab and activate it from the same page. I'm using this code for my tabs and this is my page code containing my tabs.

Retrieving the currently selected tab index - jQuery

The alert box doesn't display the current tab index that I select but rather it displays the index of the previously selected tab.

jQuery UI tabs selected tab.

Zero-based index of the tab to be selected on initialization. To set all tabs to unselected pass -1 as value. Code examples.

Highlighting the selected tab using jQueryUI Tabs

Since you're using jQuery UI tabs, you can style the currently selected tab by applying your styles to the class ui-tabs-active.

Switch to selected tab by name in Jquery-UI Tabs

Select a tab, as if it were clicked. The second argument is the zero-based index of the tab to be selected or the id selector of the panel the tab is ...

How to change tabs programmatically in jquery

The select method is deprecated since 1.9, and was removed in 1.10. Use the active option instead. Example (jsfiddle also provided):

jQuery UI Tabs active Option

In this article we will see how to use active option in jQuery UI slider. The active option specifies the current active tab in jQuery UI tabs.


Tabsaregenerallyusedtobreakcontentintomultiplesectionsthatcanbeswappedtosavespace,muchlikeanaccordion.Bydefaultatabwidgetwillswap ...,Whenfocusisonatab,thefollowingkeycommandsareavailable:UP/LEFT:Movefocustotheprevioustab.Ifonfirsttab,movesfocustolasttab.,Thetargettab(s),specifiedasaselector,jQueryobjectorindexinthetabgroup.ReturnsjQuerytheselectedtabifcalledwithoutarguments.,I'mtryingtolinkto...