
2024年5月16日—Justinmind'sprototypingtoolisaone-stopshopforinteractiondesign.Gofarbeyondasimplehotspotandcreatefullyfunctional ...,Justinmindisaprototypingandwireframingtoolforthecreationofhigh-fidelityprototypesofwebandmobileapps.It'sknownforits...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「Justinmind」

2024年5月16日 — Justinmind's prototyping tool is a one-stop shop for interaction design. Go far beyond a simple hotspot and create fully functional ...

Justinmind (software)

Justinmind is a prototyping and wireframing tool for the creation of high-fidelity prototypes of web and mobile apps. It's known for its ability to render ...

Google Play 上「Justinmind」的Android 應用程式

遊戲 · 應用程式 · 影視 · 圖書 · 兒童. Justinmind. 螢幕截圖圖片. 縮圖圖片. Justinmind viewer. Justinmind. 3.9star. Google Play. Play Pass · Play Points · 礼品卡.

Justinmind viewer

使用Justinmind 創建的所有項目都可以在雲端共享。一旦您的原型在雲中,它們就可以通過Justinmind 查看器訪問。這意味著您可以使用移動設備自由測試和體驗您的工作!

Simple pricing. Pay only for prototyping users

Pay only for prototyping users and get Justinmind free for reviewers and developers. Unlimited projects and unlimited screens.

Download and install Justinmind UI & interaction design tool

Justinmind allows you to fully design the interactions of your digital products. This way, you can conceptualize, communicate and validate your assumptions in ...


Easily create web and mobile app prototypes and wireframes with Justinmind UI prototyping tool. It's FREE. Start prototyping now!


2024年5月16日—Justinmind'sprototypingtoolisaone-stopshopforinteractiondesign.Gofarbeyondasimplehotspotandcreatefullyfunctional ...,Justinmindisaprototypingandwireframingtoolforthecreationofhigh-fidelityprototypesofwebandmobileapps.It'sknownforitsabilitytorender ...,遊戲·應用程式·影視·圖書·兒童.Justinmind.螢幕截圖圖片.縮圖圖片.Justinmindviewer.Justinmind.3.9star.GooglePlay.PlayPass·PlayPoints·...