Goodbye Accidental Key Presses! The Ultimate Mac Keyboard Lock ...



KeyFreeze 1.2 lock mouse and keyboard

KeyFreeze 1.2 lock mouse and keyboard. KeyFreeze 1.2 is a tiny tool which locks your PC, so that touching the keyboard and mouse won't have any effect.

BlueLife KeyFreeze v1.3 鎖住鍵盤、滑鼠, 不讓路人亂亂按!

第1步 將軟體安裝好、啟動之後,桌面右下角的系統列會出現BlueLife KeyFreeze 的鎖頭圖示(這圖示也可以設為隱藏)。 一開始預設的的鍵盤快速鍵為:「Ctrl」+ ...


KeyFreeze is a FREE Windows application that blocks your keyboard and mouse without locking the screen. So your kids can safely watch a cartoon or have a ...

KeyFreeze for Windows

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Windows · KeyFreeze is a simple application that requires no installation. With it, you can lock your keyboard and mouse simply by double-clicking the executable.

Download BlueLife KeyFreeze

BlueLife KeyFreeze is a lightweight and straightforward application for blocking keyboard and mouse usage without the need to lock your screen.



KeyFreeze v1.4 - Software downloads

KeyFreeze is a tool that can lock your keyboard and mouse without locking your screen. This is particularly useful if your kids are watching a video on your ...

KeyFreeze 1.4 免安裝中文版- 可以鎖住鍵盤跟滑鼠的軟體

可以鎖住鍵盤跟滑鼠的軟體- KeyFreeze,執行此程式的時候會自動倒數5秒鐘(或按LOCK KEYBOARD & MOUSE開始倒數),時間到後就鎖住鍵盤及滑鼠,但不關閉電腦 ...

BlueLife KeyFreeze(键盘鼠标锁定工具)下载v1.4绿色免费版

1.一键锁定/解锁键盘、鼠标按键; · 2.禁止/允许鼠标移动; · 3.显示/隐藏鼠标指针; · 4.支持锁定/解锁快捷键模式; · 5.设置锁定前倒计时; · 6.当系统处于闲置状态时自动锁定; · 7.

BlueLife KeyFreeze v1.4 (Block keyboard and mouse)

KeyFreeze is a FREE Windows application that blocks your keyboard and mouse without “locking” the screen.


KeyFreeze1.2lockmouseandkeyboard.KeyFreeze1.2isatinytoolwhichlocksyourPC,sothattouchingthekeyboardandmousewon'thaveanyeffect.,第1步將軟體安裝好、啟動之後,桌面右下角的系統列會出現BlueLifeKeyFreeze的鎖頭圖示(這圖示也可以設為隱藏)。一開始預設的的鍵盤快速鍵為:「Ctrl」+ ...,KeyFreezeisaFREEWindowsapplicationthatblocksyourkeyboardandmousewithoutlockingthescreen.Soyourkidscansafelywatchacartoonor...