
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center

KHCC serves low- and moderate-income residents, providing a variety of programs for all age groups. Programs include early childhood education, college ...

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC)

Organization providing youth (ages 5 - 21) who have developmental disabilities with after-school services.

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC)

3101 Kingsbridge Terrace, #5900, Bronx, NY 10463. https://www.khcc-nyc.org/ · [email protected]. (718) 884-0700. collapse icon ...

Profile for Kingsbridge Heights Community Center

評分 5.0 (4) KHCC is a certified rape crisis center, providing free and confidential support for survivors. Our dedicated advocates are here to listen, guide, and empower—no ...

KHCC (@khccnyc) • Instagram photos and videos

KHCC is a certified rape crisis center, providing free and confidential support for survivors. Our dedicated advocates are here to listen, guide, and empower.


Our comprehensive community programming provides individuals, from birth through adulthood, with services across five divisions. Our Team · Current Openings · Make a Donation · Contact

Programs - KHCC

KHCC is a certified Rape Crisis Program approved by the Department of Health. Early Learn NY. High quality pre-school programs for 3 and 4 year olds.

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) was founded in a former police station in 1974 by three community activists. Today, KHCC offers programs and ...

Partner | Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc.

KHCC embraces and empowers community - from cradle through career - to develop passions and potential, and build durable pathways towards purpose.

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center · Location: 295 West 231 Street, Bronx, NY, 10463 (Open external link) · Phone: 718-690-9466.


KHCCserveslow-andmoderate-incomeresidents,providingavarietyofprogramsforallagegroups.Programsincludeearlychildhoodeducation,college ...,Organizationprovidingyouth(ages5-21)whohavedevelopmentaldisabilitieswithafter-schoolservices.,3101KingsbridgeTerrace,#5900,Bronx,NY10463.https://www.khcc-nyc.org/·[email protected].(718)884-0700.collapseicon ...,評分5.0(4)KHCCisacertifiedrapecrisiscenter...