[Full Episode] KMT, DPP and TPP showdown in Kaohsiung on ...

2016年1月12日—總統、立法院的英文是什麼?如何用英文表達台灣或世界各國的選制?身為覺醒的公民,你不能不知道。,TheDemocraticProgressiveParty(DPP)isaTaiwanesenationalistandcentretocentre-leftpoliticalpartyinTaiwan.Itiscurrentlythemajorruling ...,2024...。參考影片的文章的如下:


2016大選不可只會DPP、KMT!今年你不可不知的政治英文 ...

2016年1月12日 — 總統、立法院的英文是什麼?如何用英文表達台灣或世界各國的選制?身為覺醒的公民,你不能不知道。

Democratic Progressive Party

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is a Taiwanese nationalist and centre to centre-left political party in Taiwan. It is currently the major ruling ...

DPP wins presidency but loses majority in Legislature

2024年1月14日 — Taipei, Jan. 13 (CNA) Taiwanese voters on Saturday kept the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in power for another four years but elected a ...

DPP, KMT to head equal number of legislative committees

2024年2月29日 — Taipei, Feb. 29 (CNA) The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the major opposition Kuomintang (KMT) dominated the vote in the ...

KMT and DPP split legislative committee leadership

2024年2月29日 — The election for the legislative conveners took place earlier on Thursday, with results securing one convener seat each of the eight ...

KMT Ramps Up Dialogue with CCP with Vice Chairman's ...

2024年3月6日 — KMT Vice-Chairman Andrew Hsia undertook a visit to China from February 26-March 3—his seventh visit since becoming party vice-chairman in ...

KMT wins 52 legislative seats, DPP bags 51 and TPP eight

2024年1月14日 — No party won a majority of legislative seats in yesterday's elections, with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) taking 51 seats and the ...

Taiwan Faces a Stark Choice on China

2024年1月2日 — Lai Ching-te, Democratic Progressive Party presidential hopeful (center), cheers with his supporters at campaign headquarters in Taipei, ...


In 1949, at the end of the Chinese Civil War, the Kuomintang (KMT) fled to Taiwan and established an authoritarian regime. The Taiwanese people were denied ...


2016年1月12日—總統、立法院的英文是什麼?如何用英文表達台灣或世界各國的選制?身為覺醒的公民,你不能不知道。,TheDemocraticProgressiveParty(DPP)isaTaiwanesenationalistandcentretocentre-leftpoliticalpartyinTaiwan.Itiscurrentlythemajorruling ...,2024年1月14日—Taipei,Jan.13(CNA)TaiwanesevotersonSaturdaykepttheDemocraticProgressiveParty(DPP)inpowerforanotherfouryearsbutelecteda ...,2024年2月29日—Taip...