
Kodu Game Lab

Kodu Game Lab is a 3D game development environment that is designed to teach kids basic programming principles. Kodu allows creators to build the world's ...


評分 4.1 (27) · 免費 · iOS KOD Cam Capture photos just as they were taken with a real disposable camera. Every detail on the camera mimics a real disposable camera.

App Store 上由Evolution KOD 開發的App

下載由Evolution KOD 開發的App,包括「Evolution EGT」。

KOD - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

適用平台: Xbox 主機, 電腦, 手機, Surface Hub, HoloLens ; OS: Windows 10 版本10586.0 或更高版本 ; 鍵盤: 整合式鍵盤 ; 滑鼠: 整合式滑鼠 ...


Kodi is a free media player that is designed to look great on your big screen TV but is just as at home on a small screen.


Kodi is available as a native application for Android, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Windows operating systems, running on most common processor architectures. Android · Releases/windows · Windows · Releases/android

KOD by Kristina

Welcome to the KOD by Kristina - a space where every step helps you unlock your potential and make positive changes in your life.

The Kode

評分 4.0 (1,097) · 免費 · Android Kode是快樂零售商和滿意客戶的社區。

Download KOD android on PC

評分 4.2 (8,864) · 免費 · Android · KOD, coming from the developer KOD Star, is running on Android systerm in the past. Now, You can play KOD on PC with GameLoop smoothly.

Kod.app (@kod_app) X

I'm a programmers' best friend — an editor for OS X.


KoduGameLabisa3Dgamedevelopmentenvironmentthatisdesignedtoteachkidsbasicprogrammingprinciples.Koduallowscreatorstobuildtheworld's ...,評分4.1(27)·免費·iOSKODCamCapturephotosjustastheyweretakenwitharealdisposablecamera.Everydetailonthecameramimicsarealdisposablecamera.,下載由EvolutionKOD開發的App,包括「EvolutionEGT」。,適用平台:Xbox主機,電腦,手機,SurfaceHub,HoloLens;OS:Windows10版本10586.0或更...