
Kyrie Irving Finishing Workout

Dynamic Warmup; Touch Finishing Warmup. Inside Hand: 10 makes each hand; Wide Hook: 10 makes each hand; Cradle Finish: 10 makes each hand.

Kyrie Irving Scoring Workout by Tim Springer

This article presents the Kyrie Irving Scoring Workout with coach Tim Springer featuring Kyrie Irving's workout drills.

Kyrie Irving Workout Routine

A full ball handling workout. that will really push your handle. and will take it to the next level. and will also make you realize that your handle. is not all ...

Kyrie Irving Workout Routine, Diet Plan & Supplements

8 天前 — Back/Legs/Biceps Routine · Cardio and stretching (20 minutes) · Leg press (3 sets of 8 - 10 reps) · Leg extensions (3 sets of 8 - 10 reps) ...

Top 10 kyrie irving workout ideas and inspiration

Discover Pinterest's best ideas and inspiration for Kyrie irving workout. Get inspired and try out new things.


DynamicWarmup;TouchFinishingWarmup.InsideHand:10makeseachhand;WideHook:10makeseachhand;CradleFinish:10makeseachhand.,ThisarticlepresentstheKyrieIrvingScoringWorkoutwithcoachTimSpringerfeaturingKyrieIrving'sworkoutdrills.,Afullballhandlingworkout.thatwillreallypushyourhandle.andwilltakeittothenextlevel.andwillalsomakeyourealizethatyourhandle.isnotall ...,8天前—Back/Legs/BicepsRoutine·Cardioands...