Leica D

Mine'sdeadnow,butitreallywasalovelylittlethingthatmadegreat10MPimagesprovidedyoudidn'tletitgoaboveISO100.IusedtojustleaveitinP ...,評分7.4/10·LoriGrunin·Agoodchoiceforanenthusiastlookingforapowerfulcamerathatcanfitintoajacketpocket;however,theLei...。參考影片的文章的如下:


5 Frames with a Leica D-Lux 3: Paris on a small

Mine's dead now, but it really was a lovely little thing that made great 10 MP images provided you didn't let it go above ISO 100. I used to just leave it in P ...

Leica D-Lux 3 review

評分 7.4/10 · Lori Grunin · A good choice for an enthusiast looking for a powerful camera that can fit into a jacket pocket; however, the Leica D-Lux 3 has a price only a Leica aficionado ...

Leica D-Lux 3

The D-Lux 3, for all of its irritating little quirks, is a very competent camera for travel photography and general enjoyment. It's slow for street shooting, ...

Leica D-LUX 3 香港價錢、相機規格及相關報道

評分 5.0 (11) Leica D-LUX 3. 11 個用家心得 | 發表用家心得 · 相機規格 相關報導4 用家心得11 ... Leica D-LUX 3. 相機格式, 1040 萬像素,輕巧型數碼相機. 推出日期, 約2006 年9 月.

Leica D-LUX 3

The LEICA D-LUX 3 offers clear functions and is intuitive and secure in use, thanks to the simple operating concept.

Leica D-Lux 3 in 2020: Leica Talk Forum

I still use mine in 2020 to document engine removals and wiring connections during vehicle repairs. Image quality is good with decent light, as ...

Leica D-LUX 3 Review

Optical image stabilization. ISO 3,200 available in high-sensitivity mode only. Buy the Leica D-LUX ...

Thoughts on Leica D-Lux 3

Love the design, the compactness. I remember trying to decide between it and its Panasonic twin but it was just so much prettier and really good ...

Can anyone tell me how much this is worth? It's a Leica D

Not a fake, just based on a Panasonic. Basically the same camera with Leica badging and a few goodies thrown in. It is not a bad camera, but not ...

Leica D-Lux 3 - 10MP - in 2025 ( Lumix LX2 )

Comments14 ; Leica D-Lux 8 Defies Expectations, Including My Own. Three Blind Men and An Elephant · 124K views ; 5 reasons to shoot with Lumix ...


Mine'sdeadnow,butitreallywasalovelylittlethingthatmadegreat10MPimagesprovidedyoudidn'tletitgoaboveISO100.IusedtojustleaveitinP ...,評分7.4/10·LoriGrunin·Agoodchoiceforanenthusiastlookingforapowerfulcamerathatcanfitintoajacketpocket;however,theLeicaD-Lux3hasapriceonlyaLeicaaficionado ...,TheD-Lux3,forallofitsirritatinglittlequirks,isaverycompetentcamerafortravelphotographyandgeneralenjoyment.It...