Leica DISTO™ D810 touch

TheLeicaDISTO™D810touchistheworld'sfirstlaserdistancemeterwithatouchscreenandrevolutionary“measurewithapicture”feature.Youcantake ...,TheLeicaDISTOD810TouchandE7500iaresimilarlaserdistancemeasurers.Havingsaidthat,therearesomeprimarydifferencestha...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Leica DISTO™ D810 touch Pro Pack

The Leica DISTO™ D810 touch is the world's first laser distance meter with a touch screen and revolutionary “measure with a picture” feature. You can take ...

What's the difference? D810 Touch and E7500i

The Leica DISTO D810 Touch and E7500i are similar laser distance measurers. Having said that, there are some primary differences that could ...

[PDF] Leica DISTOTM D810 touch

ZH. 仪器设置. 通过USB 为锂离子电池充电. 首次使用前请先为电池充电。使用提供的电缆为电池充电。 将电缆较小的一端插入装置的端口中,将电缆较大的一端插.

Leica Geosystems DISTO D810 Touch Package

評分 4.2 (23) The Leica DISTO D810 touch is equipped with a touch screen and the revolutionary, Measure in Picture function. Due to the built-in camera, photos can be taken ...

Leica Geosystems DISTO D810 Touch Screen Laser ...

This item is no longer available. · Ended · $929.09 · Tue, Jan 21, 12:56 AM ...

Leica DISTO™ D810 touch 雷射測距儀

世界上第一款帶觸摸屏的雷射測距儀,Leica DISTO™ D810 Touch 來了。這款全新的DISTO 具有優化、直觀和更快的操作介面,具有革命性的功能“圖像測量”,透過其內建的高解析 ...

Disto D810 Touch - Distance Meter

供應中 The Leica DISTO™ D810 Touch is a 15 measurement mode LDM accurate to 1/16th of an inch · Features a touch screen UI, integrated digital camera, a tilt sensor, ...

Leica DISTO D810 touch Pro Kit

供應中 Professional kit for precise outdoor measurement with Bluetooth and touch screen. Range 200m. For complex outdoor measuring tasks. FREE delivery.


TheLeicaDISTO™D810touchistheworld'sfirstlaserdistancemeterwithatouchscreenandrevolutionary“measurewithapicture”feature.Youcantake ...,TheLeicaDISTOD810TouchandE7500iaresimilarlaserdistancemeasurers.Havingsaidthat,therearesomeprimarydifferencesthatcould ...,ZH.仪器设置.通过USB为锂离子电池充电.首次使用前请先为电池充电。使用提供的电缆为电池充电。将电缆较小的一端插入装置的端口中,将电缆较大的一端...