Canon 5D mark 4 vs Leica S2
The canon performs better on both noise and bit depth at the deepest ends of the shadow however the Leica maintains an overall sharper and detailed image. At ...
Switching to Leica from Canon
Leica glass for the M system is that much better than Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, etc. because they don't have to place any electronics inside the lens.
LEICA vs Canon vs Nikon sharpness
Overall, the Leica wins because of its great sensor coupled with Leica's superior optics. Canon's 21MP sensor is about as good, but the end results only match ...
Canon vs Leica vs Nikon
第一篇Ken Rockwell的重點是Leica最貴, 但最輕, 品質也最好. Nikon的組合是次貴, 但最重, 品質第二. Canon的組合則是最便宜(相對之下), 次重, 但品質最差.
Switching from Canon to Leica
The Canon was just faster in most situations and the tracking was MUCH better. But for portraits and regular life stuff I haven't noticed an issue at all.