Leonard Cohen - So Long, Marianne (Live in Dublin

2019年7月1日—ThepairmetontherockyGreekislandofHydrain1960.TheirromanceinspiredcountlessCohensongs–andnowapoignantdocumentaryby ...,MarianneisMarianneIhlen,ex-wifeoftheNorwegianauthorAxelJensen,whowasafriendofLeonard.LeonardlivedwithMarianneinGree...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Leonard Cohen and Marianne Ihlen

2019年7月1日 — The pair met on the rocky Greek island of Hydra in 1960. Their romance inspired countless Cohen songs – and now a poignant documentary by ...

Leonard Cohen

Marianne is Marianne Ihlen, ex-wife of the Norwegian author Axel Jensen, who was a friend of Leonard. Leonard lived with Marianne in Greece together, in the ...

Marianne Ihlen

Marianne Christine Stang Ihlen was a Norwegian woman who was the first wife of author Axel Jensen and later the muse and girlfriend of Leonard Cohen for ...

So Long, Marianne

So Long, Marianne is a song written by Canadian poet and musician Leonard Cohen. It was featured on his debut album, Songs of Leonard Cohen.

So Long, Marianne

Listen to So Long, Marianne on Spotify. Song · Leonard Cohen · 1975.

So long, Marianne Leonard Cohen

Then why do I feel alone? I'm standing on a ledge and your fine spider web. Is fastening my ankle to a stone


2019年7月1日—ThepairmetontherockyGreekislandofHydrain1960.TheirromanceinspiredcountlessCohensongs–andnowapoignantdocumentaryby ...,MarianneisMarianneIhlen,ex-wifeoftheNorwegianauthorAxelJensen,whowasafriendofLeonard.LeonardlivedwithMarianneinGreecetogether,inthe ...,MarianneChristineStangIhlenwasaNorwegianwomanwhowasthefirstwifeofauthorAxelJensenandlaterthemuseandgirlfriendofLeonardCohenfor .....