Cómo actualizar el LG G3 a Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow



CyanogenMod 支援LG G3 D855 - Android

一兩天前Custom ROM CyanogenMod 推出了CM12 Nightlies,即對應Android 5.0 Lollipop。而由昨天開始CyanogenMod 已經支援國際版的LG G3 (D855)。

G3 Bootanimation CM12安卓版應用APK下載

Make sure you installed latest CM12/12.1 release. Download the theme, go to Settings => Themes = > Boot Animations. Find LG G3 Bootanimation and click it.

Software, Firmware & Driver Downloads - Support & Help

LG Software, Firmware, & Drivers Download: Optimize your LG devices by downloading the latest drivers and firmware updates. Keep your LG products ...

請問有人將LG G3刷CM12或CM13嗎?

每個原廠都愛加一堆有的沒的服務, 還有一些奇奇怪怪的APP在背景執行,或是下載東西, 搞的手機跑的很慢,還有發燙的問題… 所以我想將LG G3拿來刷CM12(今天 ...

rLGG3 on Reddit

AOSP camera issues are over!! Motorola camera for CM12 works really well on the G3. Saw THIS over on XDA ...                                        

LG G3 camera app for CM or LiquidSmooth? : rlgg2

Just a heads up, That camera won't work on CM12/5.0 LS. We'll have to wait for LG to bring in the 5.0 software for it to be ported to 5.0 AOSP.

LG G3 - How to install CyanogenMod 12 (Andr

Here's how to install CM12(CyanogenMod 12) on the LG G3 D855. Links : Root G3 : http://lgg3root.com/ XDA Thread ...

Lg g3 camera apk work on cm 12 rom ?

Hi all i want work stock lg g3 camera apk on cm 12 rom its possible ? if posiible how to ? sory my english.

How to get G3 stock camera apk

I'm unsatisfied with CM12.1 stock camera app and want to install LG G3's stock camera app. I found the G4's apks at ibtimes but it won't install ...


一兩天前CustomROMCyanogenMod推出了CM12Nightlies,即對應Android5.0Lollipop。而由昨天開始CyanogenMod已經支援國際版的LGG3(D855)。,MakesureyouinstalledlatestCM12/12.1release.Downloadthetheme,gotoSettings=>Themes=>BootAnimations.FindLGG3Bootanimationandclickit.,LGSoftware,Firmware,&DriversDownload:OptimizeyourLGdevicesbydownloadingthelatestdriversandfirmwareupdates.KeepyourLGproducts ...,...