
LG G3 vs G2 - Camera Test - Little Improvement

Anandtech claimed that they use the old sensor IMX135 while on the hands on videos it's obvious that the LG G3 supports 4K video which only the IMX214 is meant ...

Lg G3 D855 Sensor

Searching for a replacement or enhancing the sensor of your LG G3 model, specifically the LG Optimus G3 D855, D5 Sensor, LG LS993, or D7 Sensor variants?

Camera Architecture - The LG G3 Review

The LG G3 does appear to be using a new front facing camera, as the Sony IMX208 is a sensor that I've never heard of before.

LG G3 Beat LG G3 „s“ full specifications

LG G3 Beat / LG G3 „s“ ; Rear camera resolution, 3264 x 2448 ; Front camera effective pixels, 1 megapixels ; Camera sensor type, 1/3-inch CMOS ; Camera digital zoom ...

Help library: LG Mobile

Be careful not to cover the infrared sensor at the top of the phone when you use the QuickRemote function. This function may not be ...

Proximity sensor FIX (Black screen mid call) : rLGG3

Proximity sensor FIX (Black screen mid call) · Go to the hidden menu by punching in the code that enters the menu. (For me it was 3845#*855#).

LG G3 Smartphone Review

The IMX135 is a stacked CMOS design that helps capture more light and supports HDR video (more information about this sensor is available on ...


LG G3是由LG電子開發的Android智慧型手機。作為2013年上市的G2的後繼機,G3於首次在新聞發布會上亮相,並於第二天在韓國發布。


AnandtechclaimedthattheyusetheoldsensorIMX135whileonthehandsonvideosit'sobviousthattheLGG3supports4KvideowhichonlytheIMX214ismeant ...,SearchingforareplacementorenhancingthesensorofyourLGG3model,specificallytheLGOptimusG3D855,D5Sensor,LGLS993,orD7Sensorvariants?,TheLGG3doesappeartobeusinganewfrontfacingcamera,astheSonyIMX208isasensorthatI'veneverheardofbefore.,LGG3Beat/LGG3„s“;Rearcameraresolu...