

Storage and chipsets. The G3 features a 2.5 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 system-on-chip; variants with 16 GB of internal storage have 2 GB of RAM, ...

LG G3 香港價錢、規格及相關報道

評分 4.0 (75) 定價: HK$2450.00 | 5.5 吋Quad HD IPS熒幕;熒幕解像度: 2560 x 1440;相機像素: 1300 萬;處理器: 2.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 四核心處理器;操作系統: Android; ...

LG G3 MLA OLED specifications - TV Database

LG G3 is a TV based on OLED display technology with 4K resolution and flat design. It was launched in 2023 and is available in 55, 65, 77, 83 sizes.

LG G3 - Full phone specifications

LG G3 Android smartphone. Announced May 2014. Features 5.5″ display, Snapdragon 801 chipset, 13 MP primary camera, 2.1 MP front camera, 3000 mAh battery, ...

65 inch Class LG OLED evo G3 4k Smart TV OLED65G3PUA

評分 4.5 (653) Discover the 65 inch Smart TV LG OLED evo G3 4K Smart TV that features Brightness Booster Max and 120Hz refresh rate. See OLED65G3PUA reviews & specs.

LG G3 65” 4K OLED Evo - OLED65G3PUA

評分 4.8 (2,112) LG G3 65” 4K OLED Evo · AI Super Upscaling. The AI processing system uses AI Noise Reduction and AI Super Resolution to classify images and remove noise based on ...

55'' LG OLED evo G3 4K 智能電視- OLED55G3PCA

評分 4.0 (1) 主要功能. ☆ 影音產品組合優惠: 於「組合優惠」 以優惠價加購Soundbar,電視產品同時可獲額外折扣! α9 Gen6 4K AI 處理器帶來升級畫質及功能; Brightness Booster Max ...

LG G3 32GB 價格,規格與評價

樂金推出LG G3 四核心智慧型手機,機身搭載5.5 吋IPS 觸控螢幕、令人驚艷的2,560 x 1,440pixels 螢幕解析度,具備538ppi 像素,為業界規格樹立新指標,能夠呈現出清晰高品質的 ...

LG G3 16GB 價格,規格與評價

樂金推出LG G3 四核心智慧型手機,機身搭載5.5 吋IPS 觸控螢幕、令人驚艷的2,560 x 1,440pixels 螢幕解析度,具備538ppi 像素,為業界規格樹立新指標,能夠呈現出清晰高品質的 ...


16 GB或32 GB · microSDXC 最大支持128 GB · 3000 mAh(可拆卸) · 5.5英寸(140 mm) 2560x1440 (538 ppi)1440p IPS LCD · 13 MP OIS, LED閃光燈、紅外線 autofocus.


Storageandchipsets.TheG3featuresa2.5GHzquad-coreQualcommSnapdragon801system-on-chip;variantswith16GBofinternalstoragehave2GBofRAM, ...,評分4.0(75)定價:HK$2450.00|5.5吋QuadHDIPS熒幕;熒幕解像度:2560x1440;相機像素:1300萬;處理器:2.5GHzQualcommSnapdragon801四核心處理器;操作系統:Android; ...,LGG3isaTVbasedonOLEDdisplaytechnologywith4Kresolutionandflatdesign.Itwaslaunchedin2023andisavailablein55,65,7...