
Wireless Bluetooth Headset Hbs

供應中 1 stereo Bluetooth headset, can connect to two mobile phones 2 can listen to mobile music songs 3 rechargeable built in lithium battery 200 Ma 4 continuous ...


The LG Tone ProTM (HBS-750) is a lightweight wireless headset that uses. Bluetooth® technology. This product can be used as an audio accessory for devices ...


評分 4.2 (6,176) The TONE PRO's 3D Neck Behind design features an around-the-neck wearing style with a body-contoured fit. This headset is light yet powerful enough to ...

LG - Tone Pro Wireless Headphones (1st Gen.) Holiday Edition

評分 4.4 (5,020) Voice commands let you easily activate apps or contacts, while a built-in microphone and call answer button ensures calls won't be missed.

LG HBS-750 Blue Neckband Headsets 874305006339

Enjoy crystal-clear audio quality with these LG HBS-750 Blue Neckband Headsets. The headsets are designed for double earpieces and feature Bluetooth ...

New LG Tone Pro HBS

LG Tone Pro HBS-780 Bluetooth Wireless Stereo Headset. Slim body and durable wires - enjoy a lightweight, hidden magnetic earbud design with fine, ...

LG TONE PRO™ Wireless Stereo Headset - HBS-750 Blue

LG TONE PRO™ Wireless Stereo Headset · Exclusively for Best Buy · Around-The-Neck Wearing Style with Body-Contoured Fit · Quick Access Controls · Vibration On/Off.

LG HBS-750

評分 3.7 (103) Get information on the LG HBS-750 in White. Find pictures, reviews, and tech specs for this LG Bluetooth Stereo Headset. Buy the LG HBS750 from Shop LG ...

LG HBS-750

評分 4.1 (97) Most amazing call quality across many many miles across the USA with ease and clarity. Hands free, great sound, easy functioning and super lightweight. I truly ...

Tone pro wireless stereo headset deals

評分 4.5 (1,147) LG Hbs 750 Tone Pro Wireless Bluetooth Headset Gold at Rs 6922 ... ACUSWHI White Bluetooth Wireless Stereo deals, LG Tone Pro Wireless Headset Blue HBS 760.


供應中1stereoBluetoothheadset,canconnecttotwomobilephones2canlistentomobilemusicsongs3rechargeablebuiltinlithiumbattery200Ma4continuous ...,TheLGToneProTM(HBS-750)isalightweightwirelessheadsetthatuses.Bluetooth®technology.Thisproductcanbeusedasanaudioaccessoryfordevices ...,評分4.2(6,176)TheTONEPRO's3DNeckBehinddesignfeaturesanaround-the-neckwearingstylewithabody-contouredfit.Thisheadsetisligh...