BST libusb

小弟我最近在研究用usb傳輸資料,查找了很多資料後發現了libusb這個函式庫,但是我參照他網路上的一些範例卻發現我一直無法與我的hid設備連結, ...,HelloAll!Iamnewtolibusbandthiscommunity.Iamusingwindows-backendandcreatedasmalltestappwithbelowcode.ButIget...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[問題] 關於libusb的使用- 看板C_and_CPP

小弟我最近在研究用usb傳輸資料,查找了很多資料後發現了libusb這個函式庫, 但是我參照他網路上的一些範例卻發現我一直無法與我的hid設備連結, ...


Hello All! I am new to libusb and this community. I am using windows-backend and created a small test app with below code. But I get the following error

USB设备未被识别为HID,而是libusb-win32-device ...

有时候用usb的游戏摇杆,或者带usb教练口的rc模型遥控器接入Windows,不能正确识别为游戏摇杆hid设备,而是加载了libusb-win32-device BETTER_USB_HS驱动 ...

libusb on windows error · Issue #199

If you aren't able to access your device with libusb after installing WinUSB as its driver, feel free to reopen this issue.

[Libusb-win32-devel] Win32Error:GetOverlappedResult

I'm using VS2013 on Windows Server 2012 with LibUSBDotNet 2.2.8. I used. Zadig to attach WinUSB (v6.1.7600.16385) to my device.

Error getting number of devices using Libusb-win32

I am trying to run a simple code written with libusb-win32 on VS2010 to get information about the USB devices connected. I cannot get it run sucessfully.


I also encountered the error: Win32Error:PipeTransferSubmit Ep 0x02 87:The parameter is incorrect. I found out that I was using the wrong ...

LibUsbDotNet Bulk Transfer Usb Communication Win32Error #347

Closed for now. Will reopen if it is linked to libusb.


win10安装libusb-win32驱动程序失败提示“试图将驱动程序添加到存储区时遇到问题”. 分析原因: 这是因为libusb-win32驱动程序的签名认证未做造成的。


I no longer have a libusb-win32 drive. It's usually found under device manager and just under keyboards. I've tried downloading, so i thought, what should I do?


小弟我最近在研究用usb傳輸資料,查找了很多資料後發現了libusb這個函式庫,但是我參照他網路上的一些範例卻發現我一直無法與我的hid設備連結, ...,HelloAll!Iamnewtolibusbandthiscommunity.Iamusingwindows-backendandcreatedasmalltestappwithbelowcode.ButIgetthefollowingerror,有时候用usb的游戏摇杆,或者带usb教练口的rc模型遥控器接入Windows,不能正确识别为游戏摇杆hid设备,而是加载了libusb-win32-deviceBETTER_...