What Is Lightscribe Direct Disc Printing Explained By ...

LightScribeisdirectdisclabelingtechnologythatprovidesyouasimplewaytoburnprecise,silk-screenqualitylabels.Allyouhavetodoisburn,flip, ...,HowtocreateaLightScribeLabel.Thesearethe3thingsyoumusthaveinordertouseLightScribetoburnalabel.LightScribeDVDDr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Creating disc labels with LightScribe

LightScribe is direct disc labeling technology that provides you a simple way to burn precise, silk-screen quality labels. All you have to do is burn, flip, ...

How To Burn a Lightscribe a Label

How to create a LightScribe Label. These are the 3 things you must have in order to use LightScribe to burn a label. LightScribe DVD Drive, Discs and ...


It uses specially coated recordable CD and DVD media to produce laser-etched labels with text or graphics, as opposed to stick-on labels and printable discs.

LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling

由 DG Stinson 著作 · 2005 · 被引用 8 次 — Abstract: Recordable CD and DVD discs enable custom content, creating the demand for custom labeling. LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling leverages optical ...

LightScribe Direct to Disc Labeling

LightScribe is an innovative new technology that allows you to burn silkscreen-quality labels directly onto CDs/. DVDs*** with a laser instead of a printer.


光雕標籤直接刻錄(LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling) 讓您擺脫醜醜的麥克筆和黏黏的標籤!只要將具備特殊塗層的可燒錄/可重複寫入光碟或DVD 光碟片翻面,重新放入光碟機中 ...


LightScribeisdirectdisclabelingtechnologythatprovidesyouasimplewaytoburnprecise,silk-screenqualitylabels.Allyouhavetodoisburn,flip, ...,HowtocreateaLightScribeLabel.Thesearethe3thingsyoumusthaveinordertouseLightScribetoburnalabel.LightScribeDVDDrive,Discsand ...,ItusesspeciallycoatedrecordableCDandDVDmediatoproducelaser-etchedlabelswithtextorgraphics,asopposedtostick-onlabelsandprintablediscs....