
How to compare two files - command line

Look into the diff command. It's a good tool, and you can read all about it by typing man diff into your terminal.

Given two directory trees, how can I find out which files differ by ...

If I want find the differences between two directory trees, I usually just execute: diff -r dir1/ dir2/ This outputs exactly what the differences are between ...

Compare two files and output the differences - linux

I'm basically looking to compare two files (file2.txt and file2.txt) and just get the output of what is missing between them.


I want to find the files that differ, but are also included under new/. I want to get rid of all the files that are included only in old/.

How to get the difference between files

I want to do is run a command that outputs all the lines that are in file1 but are not in file2. I tried using the Unix commands diff and comm but they both ...

10 Best File Comparison and Difference (Diff) Tools in Linux

The 'diff' tool is a command-line utility that comes with Linux and is used for comparing two files and displaying the differences between them.

Comparing files (diff command)

To compare two files, type the following: diff chap1.bak chap1. This displays the differences between the chap1.bak and chap1 files. · To compare two files while ...

How to find the difference between two files in Linux

The 'diff' command will give a line-by-line difference. The resulting output, directed to a file, can be used to transform on of the files into the other using ...

How to Find Difference Between Two Directories Using Diff and ...

In this article, we will show how to find the difference between two directories using the diff command line tool and meld a gui visual ...


Lookintothediffcommand.It'sagoodtool,andyoucanreadallaboutitbytypingmandiffintoyourterminal.,IfIwantfindthedifferencesbetweentwodirectorytrees,Iusuallyjustexecute:diff-rdir1/dir2/Thisoutputsexactlywhatthedifferencesarebetween ...,I'mbasicallylookingtocomparetwofiles(file2.txtandfile2.txt)andjustgettheoutputofwhatismissingbetweenthem.,Iwanttofindthefilesthatdiffer,butarealsoincludedundernew/.Iw...