
字體全稱:,LucidaSansRegular.字體家族:,LucidaSans.字體風格:,Regular.字體版本:,Version1.00.字元數:,250.字形數:,222.EM組織:,2048.字重:,一般.,LucidaHandwriting.Characteristics:Amoderninterpretationofacursiveblackletterstyleusedforprintinginthe15thand16thcenturies ...,LucidaSansTypewriter.Characteristics:Designedasatypefacefortypewriters.Monospaced.Economicalintypesetting:At10points, ...,Do...

Lucida Sans RegularVersion 1.00-字體下載-識字體網

字體全稱:, Lucida Sans Regular. 字體家族:, Lucida Sans. 字體風格:, Regular. 字體版本:, Version 1.00. 字元數:, 250. 字形數:, 222. EM組織:, 2048. 字重:, 一般.

Lucida Handwriting font family - Typography

Lucida Handwriting. Characteristics: A modern interpretation of a cursive blackletter style used for printing in the 15th and 16th centuries ...

Lucida Sans Typewriter font family - Typography

Lucida Sans Typewriter. Characteristics: Designed as a typeface for typewriters. Monospaced. Economical in typesetting: At 10 points, ...

Lucida Fonts Store

Downloadable Lucida fonts in exclusive styles and variations. Lucida Sans · Lucida Casual · Lucida Console · Lucida Handwriting


259 fonts in up to 18 weights plus italics and obliques. Lucida Calligraphy Thin. Regular price $5.99. Lucida Calligraphy ExtraLite. Regular price $5.99.

Lucida Sans Typewriter字体免费下载和在线预览

字体天下(提供Lucida Sans Typewriter字体下载. 以及Lucida Sans Typewriter字体在线预览服务.

Lucida® Calligraphy字体打包下载_方正字库官网

Lucida® Calligraphy是由6款字体组成,分别是Lucida Calligraphy Std Thin,Lucida Calligraphy Std Light,Lucida Calligraphy Std Regular,Lucida Calligraphy Std Bold ...

Lucida Handwriting Italic免费字体下载

Lucida Handwriting Italic. 这款字体是由字体家网站通过网络收集整理的英文字体,适合用于广告设计,海报设计以及其他的创意设计类目上。 字体预览 ...

Lucida Grande

Lucida Grande是一種西文無襯線體字體,屬於人文主義體。它曾是蘋果公司Mac OS X作業系統的預設字體。作為Lucida字體家族的一員,它的設計師是查爾斯·畢格羅(Charles ...


Lucida是一個西文字體家族名,由查爾斯·畢格羅(Charles Bigelow)和克里斯·霍爾姆斯(Kris Holmes)於1985年設計。 Lucida Sans. Lucida Sans. 樣式, 多種.

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