Nokia Lumia 1020 in 2021!

2018年12月16日—I'vehadmyNokia1020for5years,andwasrunningWindows8.1untilrecentlywhenIsearchedforhowtoupgradetoWindows10.Aftermuch ...,2020年2月18日—IhaveNokialumia1020andinwanttoinstallwindows10onit.Plzletmeknowthestepstoinstallwindow10onit.,2017...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Best W10M version to use with 1020?

2018年12月16日 — I've had my Nokia 1020 for 5 years, and was running Windows 8.1 until recently when I searched for how to upgrade to Windows 10. After much ...

how to update Nokia lumia 1020 to windows 10

2020年2月18日 — I have Nokia lumia 1020 and in want to install windows 10 on it. Plz let me know the steps to install window 10 on it.

Lumia 1020 updating to windows 10...with screenshot

2017年1月4日 — I got an old OS build after updating to W10, 10586.107. The phone says there is no more update available. Is the 8.1 --> 10 update made like ...

update nokia 909 lumia 1020 from windows 8 to windows 10

2021年12月27日 — hi everyonei bought used nokia 909 with wp 8 i cant update via the mobile , no store to download apps to update to windows 10 so i can ...

Updating Nokia Lumia 1020 to Window 10 Mobile Build ...

Upgrading the Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 ... Open Upgrade Advisor to check update if it says windows 10 is available to download blah

want to use microsoft store in nokia lumia 1020

2021年8月29日 — If you can update to Windows 10 Mobile, yes, you can get the Store back. The Lumia 1020 never got Windows 10, but you can still run old builds ...


2018年12月16日—I'vehadmyNokia1020for5years,andwasrunningWindows8.1untilrecentlywhenIsearchedforhowtoupgradetoWindows10.Aftermuch ...,2020年2月18日—IhaveNokialumia1020andinwanttoinstallwindows10onit.Plzletmeknowthestepstoinstallwindow10onit.,2017年1月4日—IgotanoldOSbuildafterupdatingtoW10,10586.107.Thephonesaysthereisnomoreupdateavailable.Isthe8.1-->10updatemadelike ...,,2021年12月27日—hieve...