
Make One Stitch

2013年10月3日 — This tutorial explains an increase method that involves lifting and working into the bar between two stitches.

How to M1l and M1R

In knitting patterns, M1R means “make one right” and M1L means “make one left”. They are both knitted in a very similar way. You pick up the yarn from a strand ...

M1L and M1R without confusion

Detailed tutorial for beginner knitters about a simple way to make make 1 left and make 1 right increases without confusion.

Make 1 Right (m1R) + Make 1 Left (m1L)

2013年8月13日 — To “make 1 left” (m1L), pick up the bar between the stitch you knit and the one you're about to knit, bringing the needle from front to back.


2013年10月3日—Thistutorialexplainsanincreasemethodthatinvolvesliftingandworkingintothebarbetweentwostitches.,Inknittingpatterns,M1Rmeans“makeoneright”andM1Lmeans“makeoneleft”.Theyarebothknittedinaverysimilarway.Youpickuptheyarnfromastrand ...,Detailedtutorialforbeginnerknittersaboutasimplewaytomakemake1leftandmake1rightincreaseswithoutconfusion.,2013年8月13日—To“make1left”(m1L),pickupthebarbet...