
I need to find an external blu-ray player…

You can attach a DVD or Blu-Ray drive as a data storage accessory. Then, to play movies, you need software that is designed for that purpose.

Internal and External Blu-ray Optical Drives from OWC

Burn up to 128GB on a single Blu-ray disc in as little as 15 minutes with industry leading 16x speeds! Burn all the common CD/DVD formats at speeds up to 48x.

4 Ways to Play Blu-ray on MacBook Pro, Air and iMac

To play Blu-ray on MacBook, you need an external hard drive to read Blu-ray discs and Blu-ray player software to play it, especially encrypted discs.

SEA TECH 4000GB 鋁製外部USB 藍光寫入器超級驅動器,適用於 ...

評分 4.2 (551) 優質外部Bly-Ray Writer Super Muti 驅動器; 1 公釐一體成型鋁製外殼; 包括C 線和一般USB 線。 USB 3.0 介面,USB 2.0 相容; 相容於Mac 和Window PC (需要額外的藍光 ...

Blu Ray Player For Mac

External Blu-ray Drive, USB 3.0 & Type-C BD/DVD/CD Burner – Portable Blu-ray Player with 3D Playback, Compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac OS (2 IN1) ... External ...

Blu Ray Drives For Macbook Pro

Browse the top-ranked list of Blu-ray drives for Macbook Pros below along with associated reviews and opinions.

external Blu Ray player recs (compatible with macOS)

There are no hardware blu ray players for computers. There are drives. And the players are software-based.

Best External Drive for Mac OS : rmakemkv

I can't seem to find any blu ray drives recommended that are compatible with my Mac - Any suggestions of drives that are compatible with Mac and MKV?

Macgo軟體--Mac & Win藍光媒體播放器軟件Macgo Blu

Mac Blu-ray Player PRO. 在Mac系統上播放完整藍光菜單,藍光碟,ISO文檔和BDMV文件夾 · 下載 App Store · Mac Blu-ray Player. 在Mac系統上播放藍光碟片,支援原生藍光 ...

Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player--

Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player是全球第一款也是最好的支援Apple Mac OS的藍光播放軟體,不仅支持部分藍光菜单,还支持藍光光盘播放,藍光ISO檔案播放,藍光BDMV資料夾播放;完美輸出 ...

