Cocoa Programming L83

當應用程式或軟體當機,「CrashReporter(當機報告)」會告訴你哪些地方出了問題。但在最近的macOS版本中,這份「報告」已被另外一個較為複雜 ...,OpentheConsoleappfromtheApplication->Utilities,youwillseethelogfiles.,HowtoaccesscrashlogsonaMac.1.LaunchFind...。參考影片的文章的如下:


macOS 如何報告錯誤訊息

當應用程式或軟體當機,「Crash Reporter(當機報告)」會告訴你哪些地方出了問題。但在最近的macOS 版本中,這份「報告」已被另外一個較為複雜 ...

macos - Where can I find my crash logs?

Open the Console app from the Application -> Utilities , you will see the log files.

How to Analyze Mac Crash Reports

How to access crash logs on a Mac. 1. Launch Finder, press Command + Shift + G, and type ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ in the Go to Folder ...

Locating Mac app crash logs

To find a log file, please open ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ in the Finder. You may have to hold down the option key when using the Go menu in the Finder ...

Getting crash logs from Day One for macOS

How to obtain crash logs for Day One from your Mac · Open Finder · Select Go to Folder… from the Go menu · Enter: ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ · In the ...

View reports in Console on Mac

View a report: Select a report category under Reports in the sidebar (for example, Log Reports), then select a report at the top of the window.

在Mac 上的「系統監視程式」中檢視報告

在Mac 上的「系統監視程式」中檢視報告 · 在獨立視窗開啟報告:按兩下報告。 · 在Finder 中打開報告:選擇「檔案」>「顯示於Finder」。 · 將報告移至「垃圾桶」:選擇「檔案」>「 ...

Finding crash logs on macOS

Finding crash logs on macOS · Find and click on the Spotlight search icon the Spotlight key · Type Console and then press enter. · Select Diagnostic Reports and ...

Mac FAQ: Finding a Mac crash log

Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger): All the crashes for a program are written into a single file. That file is in the user's ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ directory. The ...

如何收集Crash Reports · KKBOX iOSMac OS X 基本開發教材

如果是在我們自己的裝置上發生了crash,要找到crash report 最簡單的方法,就是透過Xcode。我們先將裝置連接到Mac 上,從Xcode 的選單中,選擇Window -> Devices,就會出現一個 ...


當應用程式或軟體當機,「CrashReporter(當機報告)」會告訴你哪些地方出了問題。但在最近的macOS版本中,這份「報告」已被另外一個較為複雜 ...,OpentheConsoleappfromtheApplication->Utilities,youwillseethelogfiles.,HowtoaccesscrashlogsonaMac.1.LaunchFinder,pressCommand+Shift+G,andtype~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/intheGotoFolder ...,Tofindalogfile,pleaseopen~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/inthe...