
Download Novabench

Download Novabench for free and test your computer's performance. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux ... macOS 11 or higher with Apple Silicon or Intel processors.

Download NovaBench 4.0.1 for Mac

Novabench for Mac allows you to test the main components of your computer quickly. In fact, testing usually takes only 1-2 minutes. Each test ...

Download Novabench for Mac

評分 3.9 (5) Novabench lets you test the main components of your Mac quickly. Testing generally takes only 1-2 minutes, and produces detailed information and an overall ...

Mac Macintosh's Benchmark Result

1328 Novabench score with Intel Core i7-4770HQ CPU and Intel Iris Pro GPU.

Macbook Pro's Benchmark Result

425 Novabench score with Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT GPU.


Free benchmark software to test your computer's performance. Download Novbench for Windows and Mac. Novabench Results Database · Download · Features & Product · Pricing

Novabench for Mac

Download Novabench for Mac, one of the most popular apps from the developer Novawave Inc, and for free. Find it in Uptodown.com.

Older versions of Novabench (Mac)

Download older versions of Novabench for Mac. All of the older versions of Novabench have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.

Top Mac Benchmark Results

Top Macs: Apple M2 Ultra (24-core), Apple M2 Ultra (60-core), 64GB, Apple M2 Ultra (24-core), Apple M2 Ultra, 64GB, Apple M4 Max (16-core), Apple M4 Max (40

免費好用的電腦效能測速軟體—NovaBench 5.4 (WinMacLinux)

今天要測試的這套軟體—NovaBench是一套簡單易用而且免費的效能測試軟體,也提供了線上數據比較的功能,雖然測試的項目不像「Performance Test」或「PC ...


DownloadNovabenchforfreeandtestyourcomputer'sperformance.RunsonWindows,Mac,andLinux...macOS11orhigherwithAppleSiliconorIntelprocessors.,NovabenchforMacallowsyoutotestthemaincomponentsofyourcomputerquickly.Infact,testingusuallytakesonly1-2minutes.Eachtest ...,評分3.9(5)NovabenchletsyoutestthemaincomponentsofyourMacquickly.Testinggenerallytakesonly1-2minutes,andproducesdetailedinformationandanov...

Novabench 4.0.8 電腦效能跑分評測工具

Novabench 4.0.8 電腦效能跑分評測工具
