How to Clear Terminal Window on #macos

Aneasywaytoaccomplishthisistocloseallterminalwindows,andthenopenasinglenewterminalwindow,whereyourun:rm~/.bash_history,Typehistory-pintotheTerminalandpressReturn.Allshellhistoryisclearedinstantly-withoutwarning.Anotherwaytoclearzshhistory ...,The...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Clear Terminal command history - Ask Different

An easy way to accomplish this is to close all terminal windows, and then open a single new terminal window, where you run: rm ~/.bash_history

How to clear Terminal's command history in macOS

Type history -p into the Terminal and press Return. All shell history is cleared instantly - without warning. Another way to clear zsh history ...

clearing command history from terminal

Then close the Terminal and run the AppleScript. At the next start of the Terminal, the history drop down should be clear.

As Macu clear command history in Terminal

Na Macus macOS On Catalina and earlier, you can immediately clear your command history by typing the command History - c. For newer ones MacThe ...

How to clear Mac Terminal history: an ultimate guide

Use the history command to view and clear Terminal history You don't have to view history in order to delete it, but if you want to, type history in a Terminal window. You'll see a list of commands you've previously typed. To delete history, type his

Erase results from terminal without erasing command history

The keystroke ctrl-L or the command clear will clear the screen. Your Bash history is not affected at all.

macos - How to clear all entered commands in Terminal?

You can clear all your history on Mac from the edit menu of the terminal, edit > clear scrollback or just enter 'alt + command + k'. Share.

Clearing Terminal History on Mac

Here we will look into the Terminal history, and how to clear it in Bash and Zsh. We will also discuss a smart way to manage your Terminal and your overall Mac ...

How to clear the history of zsh shell in macOS?

exec rm $HISTFILE . This will clear the history and terminate your shell again. Start a new shell. Your history is now empty.

What is the best way to clear the command history on macOS? (Or ...

Hi all! I had a script I wrote ages ago to clear the command history in macOS which was basically a script to clear the history in bash.


Aneasywaytoaccomplishthisistocloseallterminalwindows,andthenopenasinglenewterminalwindow,whereyourun:rm~/.bash_history,Typehistory-pintotheTerminalandpressReturn.Allshellhistoryisclearedinstantly-withoutwarning.Anotherwaytoclearzshhistory ...,ThenclosetheTerminalandruntheAppleScript.AtthenextstartoftheTerminal,thehistorydropdownshouldbeclear.,NaMacusmacOSOnCatalinaandearlier,youcanimmediatelyc...