2021年6月15日 — MacKeeper has been described by various sources as highly invasive malware* that can de-stablize your operating system, adding that it is ...
2020年11月12日 — In here, remove the file called “com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.Installer.config.” Next, repeat this step but type “/private/var/db/receipts ...
MacKeeper is the ultimate toolkit for Mac. Optimize and protect your device, 24/7. Try our cleaning, security, privacy, and performance tools now for free.
2014年9月8日 — Can you force-quit the installer by holding down the Option key and clicking the dock icon of the installer? If you see Force Quit, click that.
Mackeeper Premium 12 month Antivirus / Lifetime 15 other utility programs. MacKeeper is a utility software suite for macOS that has tools for cleaning, ...