macOS Sonoma 14.5 Developer Beta

AppleBetaSoftwareProgram.HelpmakethenextreleasesofiOS,iPadOS,macOS,tvOS,watchOSandHomePodsoftwareourbestyet.AsamemberoftheAppleBeta ...,2024年4月4日—AppletodayseededthefirstbetaofanupcomingmacOSSonoma14.5updatetopublicbetatesters,allowingnon-deve...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Apple Beta

Apple Beta Software Program. Help make the next releases of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and HomePod software our best yet. As a member of the Apple Beta ...

Apple Seeds First Public Beta of macOS 14.5

2024年4月4日 — Apple today seeded the first beta of an upcoming macOS Sonoma 14.5 update to public beta testers, allowing non-developers to test the ...

Download Beta Profiles

Download latest beta profiles for iOS 17.5, iPadOS 17.5, watchOS 10.5, macOS 14.5, visionOS 1.2 and tvOS 17.5.

How to install the macOS Sonoma public beta

2023年7月12日 — How to install the macOS Sonoma beta · Head to Apple's beta software portal via Safari. · If you haven't previously installed a public beta, you ...

Installing and using Apple beta software

Open the macOS Developer Beta Access Utility and follow the instructions. When a new developer beta is available, you can install it from Software Update.

Mac OS X Public Beta

Mac OS X Public Beta (internally code named Kodiak) was the first publicly available version of Apple Computer's Mac OS X (now named macOS) operating ...

macOS 14.5 public beta rolling out, here's everything that's ...

2024年4月26日 — Apple has recently released the third public beta of macOS 14.5, code-named Sonoma, bringing a host of changes and improvements to Mac users ...

macOS Beta

2023年12月12日 — If you are enrolled in the Developer Program, go to Apple's beta download page. · If you are enrolled as a public beta tester, download the macOS ...


I am creating a virtual machine for MacOS Sonoma (beta) but in the middle of installing macOS a screen appears that says select boot disk, but none appears, I ...


AppleBetaSoftwareProgram.HelpmakethenextreleasesofiOS,iPadOS,macOS,tvOS,watchOSandHomePodsoftwareourbestyet.AsamemberoftheAppleBeta ...,2024年4月4日—AppletodayseededthefirstbetaofanupcomingmacOSSonoma14.5updatetopublicbetatesters,allowingnon-developerstotestthe ...,DownloadlatestbetaprofilesforiOS17.5,iPadOS17.5,watchOS10.5,macOS14.5,visionOS1.2andtvOS17.5.,2023年7月12日—HowtoinstallthemacOSSo...

升級 iOS 10 你該知道的 10 件事

升級 iOS 10 你該知道的 10 件事

從6月WWDC蘋果發表了最新的iOS10到現在,經過了8個開發者測試版本,現在終於準備要正式發佈了,Winteriscoming... Falliscoming...傳說已久的"秋天"終於要來了…在升級iOS10之前,有10件事你應該要知道:--------...