升級 iOS 10 你該知道的 10 件事

升級 iOS 10 你該知道的 10 件事

從 6 月 WWDC 蘋果發表了最新的 iOS 10 到現在,經過了 8 個開發者測試版本,現在終於準備要正式發佈了,Winter is coming... Fall is coming...傳說已久的 "秋天" 終於要來了… 在升級 iOS 10 之前,有 10 件事你應該要知道: ---- ---- 1. iOS 10正式推出時間 在 9/...

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iOS 10

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更新至iOS 10 - 官方的Apple 支援

iOS 10 增加前所未有的新功能,可讓您更加充分善用iPhone、iPad 和iPod touch。瞭解關於iOS 10 的一切須知。

[iOS 10越獄教學]Luca正式推出首款iOS10

2016年12月22日 - 期待已久首款iOS 10越獄工具終於由Luca Todesco推出,先前Luca Todesco就曾經透露,有意願開發越獄工具,沒想到這次不在是過去只會拍影片 ...

iOS 10 and iOS 10.2 features and updates

Update: The iOS 10.2 update is now available for your ever-evolving iPhone and iPad with an all-new TV app, messaging changes and that iOS 10.1 Portrait Mode for iPhone 7 Plus. Apple already has iOS 10.2.1 beta 2 available for testers, too, and it's r

iOS 10 review: Cleaner, clearer, and smarter

iOS 10 Compatibility Apple didn't go so far as to exclude all 32-bit devices from iOS 10 compatibility, but they did drop several older models from the list, including all non-Retina display devices. Still, you can download and install iOS 10 on any i

死機問題不再,iOS 10 更新亮點都在這裡! | TechOrange

2016年9月14日 - 【為什麼我們挑選這篇文章】萬眾矚目的iOS 10 今天開放更新了!這次有多項功能全面升級,一次更新就讓你滿足你需要的,只要是蘋果的設備都能 ...

iOS 10: Available Now - Mac Rumors

iOS 10 launched on September 13, 2016 with a redesigned Lock screen, new Messages features, and much more. Apple unveiled iOS 10, the next-generation operating system for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, on June 13, 2016, releasing it to the public exact

iOS 10

Introduction and initial release iOS 10 was introduced at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference keynote address on June 13, 2016. [3] The first beta release was made available to registered developers following the keynote. [9] Apple released the firs

iOS 10 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

iOS 10是蘋果公司的iOS第十個主要版本,於舊金山當地時間2016年6月13日召開的WWDC2016首日公布,是iOS 9的後繼版本。iOS 10的新特性主要是提供了新的 ...

iOS 10 Guide

iOS 10 Guide All About iOS 10 Home ios 10 features iOS 10 News Compatibility WatchOS 3 iOS 10 Beta Home Apple iOS 10: All You Want to Know and Waiting For! Apple iOS 10: All You Want to Know and Waiting For! Apple fans could barely sustain their ...

iOS 10 正式降臨,10 大改變!(更新:支援清單)

不經不覺,iOS 的版本號也到達了雙位數的大關,儘管外界盛傳會像 Mac 一樣易為 iOS X,但結果也是繼續命名為 iOS 10。隨之而來的,就是與版次一樣的 10 大改變,除了一堆跟 macOS 的連動的新功能之外,還有的是大家期待已久的小