Android App

TheaugmentedrealityappMeasureisbeingputouttopasture.AsfirstspottedbyAndroidPolice,theAndroidappisnolongeravailableviaaPlayStore ...,Here,youcanfindouthowAdjustmeasuresAndroiddevicesthatdonothaveaccesstoGooglePlayServices.,評分4.3(19)·免費·Android...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Google kills its augmented reality “Measure” app

The augmented reality app Measure is being put out to pasture. As first spotted by Android Police, the Android app is no longer available via a Play Store ...

Measure Android devices without access to Google Play

Here, you can find out how Adjust measures Android devices that do not have access to Google Play Services.

Measure for Android

評分 4.3 (19) · 免費 · Android Measure is a really useful augmented reality app, where you can measure any object in your vicinity in a matter of seconds, using just your Android device.


評分 2.3 (1,008) · 免費 · Android AR measure can be used to measure length, distance, elevation, angle, round, area and volume quickly and easily at home or office by augmented reality.


評分 2.3 (1,007) · 免費 · Android AR measure can be used to measure length, distance, elevation, angle, round, area and volume quickly and easily at home or office by augmented reality.

Measure and analyze your app's acquisition

Acquisition reports help you evaluate the performance of your store listing on Google Play by providing overall acquisition trends.

[PDF] A Measurement Study of Google Play

We have built PlayDrone, the first scalable. Google Play store crawler, and used it to index and analyze over 1,100,000 applications in the ...

Measure app recommendations? : rGooglePixel

I noticed once I uninstalled the Measure app from Google it's no longer available to download on the Play store. Shame too because when I ...

5 Of The Best Measurement Apps On Android

5 Of The Best Measurement Apps On Android · AR Ruler App · GPS Fields Area Measure · Bubble Level · AR Plan 3D · Quick Measure · Recommended.

Google kills off its augmented reality measuring app

Google has taken down the Measure app listing from the Google Play Store. The app still shows up for users who have previously downloaded the app at least once.


TheaugmentedrealityappMeasureisbeingputouttopasture.AsfirstspottedbyAndroidPolice,theAndroidappisnolongeravailableviaaPlayStore ...,Here,youcanfindouthowAdjustmeasuresAndroiddevicesthatdonothaveaccesstoGooglePlayServices.,評分4.3(19)·免費·AndroidMeasureisareallyusefulaugmentedrealityapp,whereyoucanmeasureanyobjectinyourvicinityinamatterofseconds,usingjustyourAndroiddevice.,評分2.3(1,008)·免費·...